My Building Escape after Accessing An Object’s Name lecture

Hi there!

So this lecture is pretty hard for beginners like me, don’t worry I got you! I’ve been scratching my head around this topic for hours, then I found this link which’ll help you to understand better.


This is c++ pointers for real dummies. It’s a really good article for pointers for beginners, check it out at least once if you don’t get pointers.

We use two functions here, GetOwner() and GetName().

GetOwner() function return the owner of the actor, GetName() returns the name of the object.

UE Editor-

Before pressing play-

After pressing play-

You’ll see that I’m getting Actor_1, and Cube_2. This is because the Id name of the sphere is Actor_1 and the ID name of Cube is Cube_2 (You can get the ID name by hovering over the world outliner on the name of the actor).

ID name-

VS code (Changes made in WorldPosition cpp file only)-

Any suggestions are accepted.

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Previous post: My Building Escape progress after Logging To The Output Log

P.S. - If you are stuck with anything, just use the unreal engine documentation. Reading and going through the documentation can take up a lot of time but you’ll get the answers to your questions.

Thanks for reading,


Thank you so much for sharing the link. That link helped explain many holes I had with this lecture.

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Hi @Kevin-Brandon

Your welcome. I got this link from the Udemy Q&A forums. Credit goes to that guy, not me.

Take care mate,

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