Modular dungeon final project - WIP/Diary

A bit of progress update. Now I think I am finished with 4m pillars. Might add some variants later, but that many should be enough to go:

Rendered view:

Viewport view:

In unreal:

So it seems I finally cough up with redoing stuff for better scale. Next up: doors.


Hehehe!Nice dancing moves.

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It all looks AMAZING!! AWESOME!! Thank you for the inspiration.Soo cool!!So many verities of the same objects.


Big set of columns! Will they be left with the low poly faceted look?


Definitely :slight_smile: this is low poly asset pack in the making :smiley:


I started working on doorways… here’s what I got so far:

But that’s not all! I created my first :blush: Blender tutorial with alternative approach if one have (paid) addon called BoxCutter:

(Also created separate topic for it, as finding it in this journal will be hard in some days Doorway and alternate way of cutting wall)


Ok, did some doorways for one type of archway:

And another tutorial how to cut those holes with booleans, this time without any addon:


Another set of doorways done:

And all made so far in viewport:


Looking cool!!So many verities. :grinning:Amazing.

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I’m doing multiple projects at once now… so progress is slower… but I tested doors in Unreal:

Work very nicely with collisions. Good experience for both first person and third person view :slight_smile:

and also rebuild my ‘test room’ with new 4m walls, pillars and doors:


Love the broken walls and the ceiling. The scattered broken debris looks great. The yellow lighting is awesome.

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So doors…

Those are not obvious if one wants them to open up correctly. Seems that not only scales cause issues, but also construction of doors. Especially with such archways… Banging my (and bothering many people on discord :sweat_smile:) head around this problem I come to the conclusion that there are just couple of approaches:

a) having tight fit of doors to frame in the center of archway - geometry will intersect at times when opening doors, but one can open them both ways.
b) having big gap and narrow archway (and variations of thereof) - geometry might intersect a bit, but shouldn’t be really noticeable.
c) having doors on one end of archway, opening only one way. Not ideal for games, but that’s how real life doors work.
d) Squared doors in arched frame - opening works well, but we loose the arched look of the door.

So it seems that here there are only tradeoffs. Unless we use doors just as a decoration/visual clue (so they will not open, just teleport player to different area).

I settled on… all of them (aside from b) ), providing variants that can be used in different scenarios:


Interesting door issues. The unreality of wanting them to open both ways at the root of it.

Of course, gaps would exist, drafts are common!

You could hinge on the floor like a drawbridge! :grin:


Yeah… when modelling stuff to be used in games there are a lot of those unexpected challenges. I actually was sure that making doors will be 10 minutes-long job… but searching and checking and discussing… and it took me most of yesterday. But I also made a tutorial:


Discovered one more problem with what I was doing previously. With UV coordinates scaled to 0 (for ease of coloring with palette texture)… unreal cannot generate correct UVs for lightmaps. So I had to go through all ~550 modules and fix the UVs, test them in unreal, etc. That took a long time…

I started again moving with adding new modules, still around door theme - door frames:


Ah, so those lessons suggesting that scaling to nothing are not right or advisable?
UVs for lightmaps? Game engine stuff?


Lightmaps are game engine stuff. They are used for static(baked) lighting. With wrong lightmaps you’ll have shading artifacts.

I’m not sure if lectures suggest that. The new remastered version of the course use simple materials I think. I learnt this technique long time ago from Imphenzia. Didn’t question it at that time, as it works well in blender and I only use dynamic lighting.


I think unreal lets you use two sets of UV maps, one for shading, the other for lightmaps. Blender lets you have a second UV map. Though that won’t solved the problem of 550 re-dos.


Yeah, exactly. I used combination of both methods. Especially that the more I think about UVs scalled to 0, the more it seems that it can cause potential other small problems.

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And thanks for the advice!

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