So doors…
Those are not obvious if one wants them to open up correctly. Seems that not only scales cause issues, but also construction of doors. Especially with such archways… Banging my (and bothering many people on discord ) head around this problem I come to the conclusion that there are just couple of approaches:
a) having tight fit of doors to frame in the center of archway - geometry will intersect at times when opening doors, but one can open them both ways.
b) having big gap and narrow archway (and variations of thereof) - geometry might intersect a bit, but shouldn’t be really noticeable.
c) having doors on one end of archway, opening only one way. Not ideal for games, but that’s how real life doors work.
d) Squared doors in arched frame - opening works well, but we loose the arched look of the door.
So it seems that here there are only tradeoffs. Unless we use doors just as a decoration/visual clue (so they will not open, just teleport player to different area).
I settled on… all of them (aside from b) ), providing variants that can be used in different scenarios: