Medieval houses on an island, at night

Final render for Environments course, which has become my secondary monitor’s desktop background:

It’s a bit unrealistic in that the sky image is from Spruce Knob, WV, the darkest sky east of the Mississippi, but you can still see the houses. Also I reused the blue plants (used as flowers of the bushes, which are really thistle in unrealistic bush form) and made them purple and fatter for more variety.

(I once camped on Spruce Knob and hoped to see the dark sky. Instead I cowered inside my tent as a thundercloud enshrouded the island and the rain was so hard I thought I’d drown if I stepped outside! At least I didn’t get a jolt like another camper did when he held up his metal tent pole when the wind knocked it down.)


Hi Todd, you have grown in this GameDev course(s). It’s really a very beautiful scene. Very atmospheric. It’s like a late evening summer breeze. Excellent job. Such progress!

(it could use some fog, volumetric …, but I’m nit picking)


A beautiful render, and I would also want to use such a great scene as a desktop background. :slight_smile:


Amazing work.Love it.Nice reflection in the water.Great looking house.The yellow blooming lights and the window lights looks great.Nice plants and trees too!


A fine version of the course project island of buildings. Must be some party! Every window is aglow with light!


Improving the modular village kit:

I decided to add pavilions because I am (re)reading Lord of the Rings and read of Bilbo’s pavilion where he had the core 200 of his party to see him vanish into thin air. It was probably more like a tent, but why not use a prefab roof supported on beams.

I also looked at some real medieval villages (onlline there are more computer graphics versions than real!!!) for ideas. I noticed in addition to the stucco/plaster were brick and stone.

I don’t know if they had modern-style bay windows then , but I have them anyway.

The “tiny houses” are tool sheds. (though there are several tool sheds set up on a property across the road from my house, being rented out as tiny houses. A realtor in suburban DC is running it.)


And a key for the parts:

You can label them by clicking (in the properties panel) for any mesh object, the Object Properties (an orange square within a square by default), then under Viewport Display, show names. To do it for everything at once, select all objects, then alt-click “Name”. I learned that from one of the Blenders Secrets tutorials (google Youtube Blender Secrets).


This is a good render, but I also like your charts below. This will be something I should look into next since I think it will help greatly improve my current tavern “Kitbash” workset that I am slowly piecing together. The kitbash is more by accident than on purpose in my case.


A great wide ranging set of parts.

Grant’s ideas of medieval are ‘unique’. :rofl:
Well historically appalling.


Historic anachronisms are simply artistic licenses in action- We can do what we want, even if it isn’t at all Accurate:

This is my take of D-Day:



Hmmm… :thinking:…it needs more robots…and some ninjas.

And dear valiant knave, I shalt hereby bestow upon thee the finest sabre-of-light as handed down from Master to Padawan, in keeping with the custom of the Jedi order!

I loves me a good anachronism!


The ninjas are in there, but they are hiding, as usual… :roll_eyes:

The robots are in the Death Star, awaiting to see if the clones (obviously the men to the left) will be able to hold off the rebel… I mean Allied American attack.


You followed another Grant tutorial for that D day image, didn’t you! :rofl:

Some people need their ‘artistic’ licence endorsing, and removing when over a certain number of points like driving licences.

Ming vase. Antique markets will be a bit of chaos when era descriptions are wrong. If it is made up, fantasy, loosly based on, do not call it Medieval, or Ming!



It is true- there is such thing as artistic license, and such thing artistic tyranny. It is an outlet for both artist and viewer- sort of a social endeavor: very few artists hoard their pictures, never to let anyone see them…

But you can call it Ming or medieval inspired :wink:

@Todd_Vance, you mentioned reusing some plants, but it being a night time scene I cannot easily see them- mind posting some for better inspection?


oh…they’re men. I was thinking “women in bikinis and sun hats”!


Here’s something that makes the parts more visible:



Absolutely, making clear, just about, that it is not actually medieval. What is really required is some new name or word expression for the various faux medieval representations, Grant is not alone in this travesty. Rather on the line of ‘Steam Punk’ is for an imaginary Victorian, they do not call it Victorian or steam age, but pure fantasy with its own name.

Wood Punk? Fantasy pre industrial?



I gotta be honest, if you’re that much against people abusing the word medieval and so-on and so-forth (and rightfully so), you’d probably also be completely against labeling anything “____ Punk” if you go back to the origin and subsequent uses of the word dating from Shakespeare up until around the 1970’s or so, before it became popularized as a style of music or fashion.

That is to say that it would not be appropriate for me to clearly define the word ‘Punk’ in this all-ages forum…but let’s just say that sometime in the 1970’s, there was a woman named Caroline Coon who wrote for Melody Maker Magazine, a publication in England. She was writing a review for some new music that she had heard by a band that included people named ‘Johnny Rotten’ and ‘Sid Vicious’. I won’t say the name of the band here for the same reason.

Okay, so this lady Caroline wrote an article referring to Johnny Rotten as ‘King of the punks’. Mr. Rotten “bothered to find out what that meant” and he was very displeased at what he learned about the word ‘punk’.

It seems that the context in which she was using the word ‘punk’ was an insult, in reference to things that happen in prison between two inmates…and this music by this band was, apparently, the type of music that these types of people would likely enjoy. :laughing:

I really cannot go into more detail than that, this being an all ages forum and all, but yeah, then the word ‘punk’ became popularized regarding fashion and music and made its way over here to the US where John Holmstrom and Legs McNeil started a ‘Punk’ magazine in 1976 and the rest of the story seems to over-write the original history.

Johnny Rotten tells the story in his own words in a video on YouTube. I won’t post the link here, but the title is “Johnny Rotten vs Marky Ramone 2019” and the video is about 21:26 long.

The actual story to which I’m referring is at 00:50 to about 01:30, very early in the video.

There are a lot of swear words in the video, which is why I’m not posting the link here. Anyway, yeah, that’s ‘punk’ for ya, according to Mr. Rotten himself.

Off my soapbox now.

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Thanks for the screen shots. It is nice to see some of the “behind the scene” shots and perspectives, as well as meshes that were not so visible. I could better see the variety of plant life you created.

To @b4t54ndw1ch -

I brought out my old nifty 1957 Oxford Dictionary, Unabridged, for our discussion:

My findings for what it is worth

The Usage that you give is relatively new I think, for it does not have it in here- the context deals not with inmates, but still I will not mention it. It is a 1596 rare/obsolete meaning- around Shakespears time.
But in the U.S., around 1707 we see this: Rotten wood or fungus growing on wood, used in a dry state for tinder.

Considering the original context however, while the contations are nothing inspiring, it would seem to be saying something like “steampunk” or “desal-punk” “illicit or unlawful union of themes”- hence Steampunk takes a victorian theme and a fantasy scifi-theme. If you notice, often these genre’s offer lots of grit to them in some manner or way.

Regardless, leave it to the 70’s to come up with strange things.

@NP5, it would seem to me that we already have designations for these sort of things to some degree.

An academically unsound study on the word "Fantasy", a time-line, and application of our findings to NP5 's vase scenario.

First of all, anything that is not real is fiction. Anything in the past if based off of reality is historic fiction, if not, then it is some form of Fantasy. There is also High and low fantasy, High and low magic fantasy. High fantasy deals with great Hero’s, sweeping stories, huge battles, and direct involvement of Deities (often, not always). Myths tend to deal more directly on the activities of deities in a time before men and man’s early years. Epics about those of great heroes who were in the early days (they don’t make them like they used to) and many still had direct contact with the gods, and the gods were interested in their affairs. These seem to have a certain logic to them.

Legends seem to be inbetween high and low fantasy- as it can have elements of both, or tend to one or the other. These stories typically seem to be stories based off of historically certain people or events wrapped up in unlikely events (sometimes “epic” sometimes fairy tale like). They can deal with deities, or God- depending if pagan or Christian in origin, but they seem to be a early medieval (in western culture) and onward.

Low fantasy tends to be about ordinary people in strange events (fairy tale) or extraordinary animals doing rather mundane things (Fables- Aesop’s fables as an example). They don’t necessarily make logical sense, having some obvious deviation from the natural in order to emphasize something, good or evil. They appear more symbolic in nature and not concerned with historic accuracy. They are not typically long works.

Based on the above names we have a sort of timeline that I have arbitrarily imposed upon them.
Myth: pre-man to early man
Epic: High men and gods working together

In-between (depends on context):
Legend: historic men invovled in fantastical things (often early medieval at this point)

Fable: timeless, but seems to be ancient historic to early medieval.
Fairy Tale: Depending, but often medieval in origin, but usually early to mid I would think. Some extend over into the Victorian era, or write about that era- I think Chronicles of Narnia might be considered a Fairy tale. The Hobbit would be earlier since it was in a time before the time of men. So pre-medieval or early medieval.

Medieval Punk:
Any Modern Fantasy book… :smirk:

Thus if the pot was “Epic” or “Mythical”, we would be placing the pot before the medieval era. But if it were a “fabled” Pot, it makes it old, but not necessarily pre-medival. It could be “legendary” as well.

Or we could simply say a fantasy pot- as fantasy tends to suggest medieval tones to most people today.

If someone is trying to sell the pot as a legitimate work from a specific medieval era- we call the pot, and it’s creator, “Frauds”. :grin:



Yeah, that word really is a rabbit hole. I’ve never heard it used as rotten wood or fungus, but I have heard of people lighting firecrackers with a ‘punk’, so maybe the definition that you stated is where that context was derived from. Apparently, the word ‘punk’ has meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people throughout the years. :laughing:

Of course, I believe the Victorian/Fantasy/SciFi theme is a newer usage based on style. Internet says the Steampunk fashion started in the late 1970’s literature, as you suggested: Victorian inspired Sci-Fi.

I would expect that a dictionary from 1957 would have the current definitions at the time, just as you won’t likely find the archaic usages in many of today’s dictionary either.

It could be argued, however, ye olde derogatory usage came about by referencing the rotten wood and fungus, as a means of referring to ‘people of the night’ (for lack of a more suitable term) as trash or rubbish material. That would make sense.

I would venture that the term ‘Steam Punk’ was coined some time after the ‘punk rock’ and ‘new wave’ fashion took hold.

So…as an example, would Harry Potter be considered ‘Low Fantasy’? :thinking:


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