That’s known as short division. Long division is a different method of working out division by hand
9 doesn’t fit within 8, so we use the number to the right as well, giving us 88.
9 does fit into 88, 9 times (81), 9 gets put above the number.
Times the result (9) by the divisor (9) and write the result below (81).
Draw a line and then subtract the initial number (88) from the new line (81) and write the result below the line (7).
Bring down the remaining number from the initial number (7) so you get 77.
Now repeat the steps.
9 fits into 77, 8 times (72) so now put 8 on top.
Times the result (8) by the divisor (9) and write the result below (72).
Draw a line and then subtract the initial number (77) from the new line (72) and write the result below the line (5).
That’s your remainder, or you can go down the path of working out the decimal by repeating the steps…till you get bored since it’s recurring
It should now be clear why it’s called short and long division respectively. The benefit of long division is when doing larger divisions say 8568 / 35.
244 r 28
35 / 8568
Another explaination: