Maths for Games - A Fresh Start for Mathematics

That’s known as short division. Long division is a different method of working out division by hand

9 doesn’t fit within 8, so we use the number to the right as well, giving us 88.
9 does fit into 88, 9 times (81), 9 gets put above the number.
Times the result (9) by the divisor (9) and write the result below (81).
Draw a line and then subtract the initial number (88) from the new line (81) and write the result below the line (7).
Bring down the remaining number from the initial number (7) so you get 77.

Now repeat the steps.

9 fits into 77, 8 times (72) so now put 8 on top.
Times the result (8) by the divisor (9) and write the result below (72).
Draw a line and then subtract the initial number (77) from the new line (72) and write the result below the line (5).

That’s your remainder, or you can go down the path of working out the decimal by repeating the steps…till you get bored since it’s recurring :stuck_out_tongue:

It should now be clear why it’s called short and long division respectively. The benefit of long division is when doing larger divisions say 8568 / 35.

      244 r 28
35 / 8568

Another explaination:

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I will buy this course if it starts with primary school maths :disappointed_relieved:

To create a maths course I need to provide you a playground that won’t age. I’m concerned that Unity or Unreal will be too old in a few years, despite the core mathematical content not ageing.

Godot gives us an opportunity to own the sandbox, re-brand it, and provide it to you as a small (under 30MB) download for many years to come.

You may not realise this but by backing our Godot Kickstarter, you will be supporting this future maths course in the best way possible.


I would love to have some practical Maths courses! It’s a subject that I’ve never been able to apply practically until I found programming but now have forgotten many of the core concepts because I have not been in school for over a decade.

How is this coming along and will you be doing the Godot version in the future?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: OpenGL or DirectX C++ tutorial

Has this been done yet? If not do it, Do, It, DO IT! :slight_smile:

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Id like to know as well if this was chosen as a course to be developed.

I don’t seem able to “like” the post, I can like any reply, but not the original post.

Anyway, I guarantee that if you do make a course on maths for game programming, I’ll buy it. Hands down.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Hello Diego,

I don’t seem able to “like” the post,

This is because the topic is enabled for voting. You can instead click on the blue Vote button to cast one of your personal votes;


Hope this helps :slight_smile:

It absolutely did, is it me or there are only 3 votes (counting mine)?
Can’t be true.

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Are you sure you need a maths course :wink: :smiley: (sorry, couldn’t resist!)

Yes, there are only three votes. But don’t worry, I believe the team also factor in things like the volume of replies and likes on these topics too. Many of the topics were created from other sources and moved into here, before the voting was enabled.

Thanks Rob,

Hope you guys make it. I’m a graphic designer and I’m getting into Unity as a serious-hobby. I enjoy the team’s work very much.

Keep it up!


Thank you Diego, that’s very kind and it’s great to hear you enjoy the team’s efforts.

I’m not actually an official member of the team, I just kinda loiter, try to help people and keep the place tidy :wink:

I had to sign up to this forum just so I could voice my support for the creation of this course. I am really enjoying my experience so far in learning C# for Unity and would love to take on a more technical course such as Math for Games once I’m done. What are the chances of this happening?

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I know this was an old idea, but figured I would give it a vote. I would really like to see something geared towards 3D movement in respects to translation and rotation (see my post from today). Rotation being probably the most complex or needed.

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I am out of votes but this one definitely deserves one as well!!! :smiley:

Sadly this is due to the limitation of votes per user but also because the topics that have them applied are not being closed - this is what returns votes to users. Maybe one for @Ben’s attention.

I kinda like the idea of votes being limited. Just wanted to share that this is definitely also a very handy idea, as I thought maybe the “devs” not only look at votes but also on how many responses a topic gets. I’m pretty happy with the votes I spent so far or I would take them back. Not sure of a way to improve the system myself actually. You could close topics after a certain amount of time, but others just might create those again later as they have the same idea. Asking users to close their own topics might also lead to no topics closed as the topics creators are surely still wanting to have those topics covered…
Thanks for your presence and contribution Rob!!

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Hi Oli,

Yeah it is good that the votes are limited, otherwise it would make them a little pointless. You also earn more as you move up through the trust levels within the community, so the more you participate, the more you can participate etc.

I suppose what I meant was, some of these topics have been here for quite a long time now, and because people tend not to always perform a search, or even scroll through, you tend to see a lot of duplication. I feel that the topics in this category, certainly ones passed a specific amount of time could perhaps do with summarising and then closing, a mopping up of any duplicates could also be beneficial. Ideally, this kind of housekeeping would be performed regularly, perhaps every 3 months. Perhaps the team could use these topics put forwards by students to get a feel of what is being asked for, and then create one topic themselves which would then be the ones voted on. These could be pinned so that they remain at the top of the category view and with community members votes freed up from the singular topics, they could then spend them on the more official ones. I don’t personally see the value in having half a dozen “Unreal Multiplayer” (for example) topics, with votes spread to the wind across them all instead of one main “Unreal Multiplayer” topic, which students then vote on. Ideas from all of the individual ones could be summarised (and linked to) within the main one.

Just a thought :slight_smile:

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