Low Poly Graveyard Game Ready Assets Pack WIP Thread

WOW, nice reaction! :grinning:

Geeze, I don’t even want to think what kind of announcement they made which would drive folks away from them, and the Asset Store. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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tl;dr: from Jan 2024 they want to charge devs by game installs (after reaching some thresholds). Twitter is on fire, reddit is on fire, Unity forums are on fire… Stock prices went down by 5% in a day… There is a lot of anger and frustration about it, that basically end with “I’m quitting Unity” :frowning:

Yes I heard that. Some suggestion they will have to roll back from it.

So make your pack Godot ready!


In theory it is godot ready, there is a way of exporting Unity to Godot :D. There is no official Godot store though…

Sounds good. Especially if lots suddenly try Godot because of this, get in there fast so they have a big asset pack to use to get started.


The stock prices went down by 5% in a day?!?!?!? Whomever came up with that plan should be hung out to dry. Totally outrageous!! :astonished:

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Current situation:

~shakes head in shock~

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Ah! But on a positive side, the asset pack is out there. And I can share the video I made with Unity for it now!

Here is a store page (with a lot screenshots from the pack): Low Poly Nature: Lush and Diverse Environments | 3D Vegetation | Unity Asset Store


Also read it said that some execs sold shares ahead of the announcement. lol.

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That does not surprise me. I worked for a large law firm in the Wall Street area for decades, and several of our larger clients were in the investment field. I’ve heard of a number of executives at these investment firms having done exactly what you just stated.


This whole Unity situation is hard. Fortunately due to (technical) simplicity my pack is not that hard to convert to Godot. For now I don’t provide package for it, as I just started learning, but in the future I’ll add full support for Godot. Also, seems that making official asset store for Godot got bumped in priority queue. So that will be nice, when it’s ready.

And in case if anyone is wondering - there is nothing in Unity (or UE) store EULA that prevents you from using assets in other engines. But just in case, I’ve setup a Gumroad store too. And to be frank, from all 3 stores I like the Gumroad the best. I’m thinking of also putting it up on CG Trader, BlenderMarket and maybe due to delays in launching Fab - also on Sketchfab and Artstation Marketplace.

I received some feedback to Unity demonstration video. I’ll split it into two shorter ones and decrease frequency of texts saying what’s not included. After that, I’ll focus on finishing up the Graveyard part of the whole thing. Hopefully I’ll release it before Halloween :smiley: (and I’ll not have to wait for reviews on Gumroad store).



(idk how the algorithm works, but it just got bumped to almost the top of it’s category :exploding_head: )


Been cooking up something special (and free)!


(I should really go back to finish up the main graveyard pack :rofl: )

Made some screenshots for the free pack (in Blender, other engine versions still WIP).

But for store page I will probably use sth like that:


All triangulated? Is that considered Blender ready?

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Good point! All triangulated with a modifier :D.

Though some stuff that I sculpted (like green areas of trees) are triangulated. I could retopo that, but that’s way too much work :sweat_smile:

Edit: but I’ll take another screenshots before ‘official release’ without modifiers. Some people might like to see that objects would be easy to edit.

Edit2: Though I’m not sure which to show now :rofl:for ‘game ready’ you would expect triangulation :sweat_smile:

Edit3: Though, on Unity/Unreal stores I will show only in-engine… and Gumroad just have 8 ‘slots’ for pictures, so I will probably not have really ‘space’ to show a lot… :thinking:I’ll figure something out…


Some screenshots from free version from Unity:


Not much progress here recently, but will soon go back to it :slight_smile:

In the meantime some updates:

While I’m working on finishing the ‘full’ Graveyards and Low Poly Nature: Essentials for Unreal… I got some recognition, now being in “Showcase” section of Unreal Engine Marketplace :partying_face: (and also discount!)

(will post more modelling updates soon :slight_smile: )


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