Low Poly Graveyard Game Ready Assets Pack WIP Thread

Nice early morning sounds!
Looks game ready … :wink:

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Huge environment all carefully hand planted!

Now you will have to make a game to use them! LOL. Well perhaps you need a character pack of things to shoot. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :alien: :alien: :alien: :skull: :skull:




It’s not that huge :sweat_smile:I’ve seen some asset packs with really big maps, like 5km x 5km. But I’m not making map for a map, just to showcase the models (esp. that’s the requirement on UE marketplace :smiley:

That’s a temptation with everything I model :sweat_smile:

Oh definitely, and it would even look great in demonstration map - to showcase scales better. I’m still thinking how to approach that, but most likely will just use default mannequin to showcase it…

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Another small update. This time without renders. I finally finished the map. It took more than 40h of work :woozy_face:. 200m x 200m doesn’t seem like a lot, but for hand painting vegetation it is. Also, I knew that UE was great at handling large number of polygons, but I wasn’t aware how good it actually is. I’ve placed more than 1 million instances of vegetation of that map (majority of it is grass lump meshes). In UE 4.26, with fully dynamic lighting, in some areas it renders around 100M triangles (in ~8k draw calls) and I still get 60fps+. That 100M triangles are (I think) result of batching of foliage (I bet this can be optimized more). In UE5.21, when I turn nanite on - it’s 15-20k triangles at max with just a few draw calls (so… it’s basically “free”?). Those numbers are in editor in 3440x1440 on 3090.

Working now on videos and screenshots for UE marketplace page…



(finally… it’s 5am…)

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Here’s a sneak peak of a thumbnail:

Will share more as soon as it gets approved!


Very good looking thumbnail.
This is separate from the graveyard items?

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Thank you!

Yes and no :sweat_smile:. I made part of it for the graveyard asset pack, but as we talked earlier in this thread I split it into two. First one is “nature only” and the second will be graveyard (which will include the nature most likely, but I might do a version without it for people not needing it…)

Yes could be two separate packs and one big pack with both in it for a bit less than both separately!


Interestingly enough I got already first review for Unreal (in less then 24h!). There were 2 small issues that I quickly fixed and resubmitted. Hopefully it will be OK now :crossed_fingers:. In the meantime I made a short test video:

ok… Epics is really quick… published already :open_mouth:

Here is YT video showcasing the asset pack:

and here it is on the marketplace: Low Poly Nature: Lush and Diverse Environments in Environments - UE Marketplace

I’ll make separate artwork post (and artstation page :smiley: ) for it later showing a lot of renders :smiley:


I hope it works well for you, you have put a lot into it.


A truly wonderful video @bOBaN and as @NP5 stated, you’ve put a lot of work into it, and it all works very well together. :clap:


Thank you and :crossed_fingers:

Thank you!


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I also hopes it goes well for you, too. So much variation and looks like such fun adn atmospheric worlds you can build with the pack. Very nice. Good luck!

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Thank you! :hugs:

And if it will be selling well I’ll probably add more! I have around 100 tasks in my backlog of things I want to add there. From things like clovers and berries to caves, tents, etc.


Just tiny progress update… #453 in Unity’s queue… I’m working on extra demo map for it in the meantime

It’s way harder here, as the built in tools are not that great and I will not be able to push it as hard in terms of how many objects I can place (as unity built-in instancing solution isn’t that great and I can’t assume that users will have expensive assets for better instancing).


Ugh 453 sems a looooonnnggg queue. But perhaps they do 100 a day? Also shows just how many people are making such things.
Do you have to tell people if they are low enough poly for mobile games or is that up to them to work out?


When I submitted (more than a month ago) it was at around 2.4k :woozy_face: . I’ve been checking it almost every day and the queue moves on average 75 positions a day… So there is a chance of it being published next week.

It’s all the things, including tools, textures, etc. But yea, there is a lot of things added each day. Also all the updates go through review process. It’s funny though, as I was waiting 3 days for Unreal…

It will be self evident, but… I also should tell them. Let me add this to the description. Thanks for pointing it out!


Eh, my pack was released… Queue jumped like 300 positions in a day… Just hours before Unity made their announcement that is driving people away from Unity and the Asset Store :frowning:

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