Low Poly Graveyard Game Ready Assets Pack WIP Thread

Great. Digging implements? Spades, a pickaxe? Flowers, as in left bunches of them, or in vases, watering can?
Deadlines, you set yourself are very movable! :laughing:

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Some is there already!

and rest is planned :slight_smile: I added watering can to the list as I forgot about it :slight_smile:

…and that’s part of the problem :sweat_smile:

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Slowly, but surly progressing further. First, I made a lot of colliders for those coffins. And a “demo” scene for them:

Also, I’ve been progressing on foliage. Some shrubs:

and some Ivies:

I’ve made a bunch of Ivy variants:

There are 2 heights and 2 density and 3 complexities (high and medium done so far). First one is mostly convenience for users. Density is how dense the leaves are. Complexity is how much triangle each individual leaf has. The difference from the most complex and dense to medium complex and sparse is: 1.6k triangles vs ~600 triangles. 1.6k doesn’t sound like much, but I’m making assumption that some people will want to use them in clusters, and that will add up quickly.

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The ivy, Could you render out each different one with a transparent background, then make the ivy a simple 4 vert plane with the rendered image on it. It would save big amounts of verts but add image textures. So no idea if that is a different problem for a game engine. By rendering from your models the LP style would be preserved. It has some problems by not being full geometry, but may work for such details over the top of the other elements?
Building up ever bigger pack!

It needs a graveyard cat! :cat:

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That’s actually a great idea. Which I… will not do at the moment :(. But not out of laziness, but because to do it properly I would actually need to do it for all the cracks, bricks, damage etc. Which would probably add 2-3 months to the (already very long) project.

Also, I want to keep the asset pack consistent. I.e., at the moment I have very simple color-palette texture. Only one (I will provide a few variants for users to increase diversity). That means very little draw calls, which are processed on CPU. So that means someone incorporating this in game has only worry about GPU optimizations. There are many tricks one can utilize for that (like instancing, or for Unreal - nanite). This will get way more complicated to use if I’ll add textured variants.

(To be fair, this should not be an issue either way for modern PCs, but for older or mobile hardware it’s a thing that one still have to worry about).

Ah, a for the cat… I’m still tempted to do monsters/animals/characters. But as I told earlier - I have to limit myself. That might be an asset pack on it’s own though in the future :smiley:

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There is a way around it, I mean to add textures without increasing draw calls.
You can increase palette size to 512x512 or 1024x1024 and add textures for some flat objects (like ivy) next to the color palette. Than you idd have bigger texture, but you still have only one.

You probably know this, but for others it might be interesting :wink:


Yes, exactly. I even at the moment have 512x512 palette setup with lot’s of “free space” there (I was considering this exact problem earlier, but for cracks and ‘decals’). The amount of variants I have though would require a few of those :sweat_smile:


So another update. Obviously missed the previous deadline, but the asset pack grew in the meantime quite a lot. Now sitting at 1489 models :sweat_smile:. Making low poly foliage was too fun, so I modeled quite a lot of it.

I’ve been trying to make the foliage “botanically correct”, or at least as close as low poly allows for (while taking some artistic freedom). And instead of going crazy with species, I decided to provide variation within species. Aside from extending ferns and ivies I did: nettles, dandelions, bluebells, foxgloves and wild garlic:

I did also a lot of mushrooms (83 :sweat_smile: ): Fly Agaric, Death Cap, Porcini, Shaggy Ink Cap, Girolle, Parasol Mushroom and couple of ‘generic mushrooms’.

I really liked how Girolles came out so I made this simple scene (in Unreal):

Next, trees. A lot of trees (154 models, incl. stumps, logs, branches). Still keeping to botanically correct ones and to what would make sense for a graveyard environment. I did pines, oaks, birches, and weeping willows only here.

Provided trees in different “growth stages”, from young to adult ones. The young ones are really hard to capture in low poly style. Took me quite a bit to wrap my head around those. Here is what I came up with:

The big ones, are really really big. I wasn’t consciously aware how big those trees can get. For example, here’s mature oak with a Manny to scale:

Some withered/creepy trees (I will most likely do a couple more of those):

And last, but not least stumps and logs:

It’s coming along nicely, and yesterday I build a scene out of it:

And video:

More here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ao9Qm8

As always everything works in Unity and Unreal. I’m 100% sure that I forgot about some stuff I did in last two months. Now that I’ve done around ~500 foliage models I’m thinking of releasing that as a separate asset pack before finishing the whole graveyard.


Good LP additions. Seems a good place to separate into two packs/collections.

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Thanks! So I will spent next week trying to wrap the nature pack up, and submit it to the stores :slight_smile:

Soo… I’ve submitted it to Unity Asset Store. It will take ~20-30 business day till it will be reviewed though… The pack has 779 models :sweat_smile:

I’m already working on a update (hopefully Unity people will notice it and just review that) as I “rushed” it and didn’t include demo map (just an overview map). It’s technically not a huge deal, but nice demo map will better showcase how to use the models and will allow me to create better screenshots and better video. From my last post I added a few models: some generic trees

(all following screenshots are from Untiy)

I added new grass (that is less polygons)

Added a few rocks:

And cliffs:

Some fences:

And campfires:

And a few ruined walls:

I was missing also reeds and water lilies:

Lastly, I’ve added a couple simple low poly bushes:

I’ve repurposed one of my island and made it into ‘nature’ islands for thumbnail/store screenshots:

So… I’m done with the nature pack, but still have work to do :sweat_smile:


Update time! The queue for Unity is sooo long… still more than 2k assets before me (judging by how it progresses, it will be published at the end of next month). So in the meantime I started working on Unreal version.

And obviously in the meantime I extended the pack with a few things… like those daisies (so now it’s 808 models):

I’ve made already similar demo island in Unreal:

But I still need to do a “proper” demo map showcasing more of the models… Shouldn’t take too long till I submit it to UE Marketplace…


Surprised it takes so long you would have though tit was an automated process.
Still it lets you get on with the next one! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yes, and when I submitted it I was 2.4k in queue. That meant that at the time there were 2.4k asset packs submitted already. That’s a lot of assets in the queue… I think Unreal’s process is faster (and/or queue shorter).

I was actually relaying a bit on that. The Unity pack I submitted could be published at the moment, but I want to improve a couple of things (images, demo map, description etc.). It seems that as soon as I have a place in queue I can update it without losing the place :slight_smile:

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Sometimes I hate all the quirks in unreal, but sometimes it still does surprise me with how awesome the lighting can be. I took this screenshot while working on the demonstration map:


It’s a LOT of work to make this map (and it’s only 200m x 200m of “playable” area)… but the views are great :grin:


Mordor …


See now, at first glance I hadn’t considered that, but now that you mention it . . . yeah, that works for me too. :grinning:


Inclusion of trees will make it less mordor-like :smiley:


Small update. Still working on the demo map. Was too hot this week to really focus fully, so only a little progress done. This is general map layout:

And current in editor view:

Yes, there are a lot of rocks :sweat_smile: I scattered about 5k of them yesterday (and I’m not done). Should probably learn more about PCG tools in Unreal to make it quicker, but foliage tool is also making that stuff not too slow to do (and leaves 100% artistic control).

Here are some screenshots from “Central Ruins” area (still not finished):

And three videos I made around those (for social media posting):

Now as big things are already placed and some 2ndary details as well around the map I plan to go area by area and add smaller things like grass, plants, bushes, tree branches, etc.


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