Let's share GitHub accounts

includes some stuff from UDEMY and Coursera courses, as well as some random personal stuff.

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Most of my stuff is on my private Stash and SVN repos, but:

Ninja Chimp Studios: https://github.com/NinjaChimpStudios/DojoBreaker
Me: https://github.com/miproductions

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Thats mine.

Ive just cleared it out this morning so theres nothing there at present, just going to use it for resources that I can share.

Ive been working on a bubble shooter game, and a remake of snake.
so I’ll get them uploaded over the next couple of days.

there was a few things in there that took me a while to figure out, like the aim line in the bubble shooter game, so if it saves someone pulling their hair out for days like I did they can freely use it.

Im also playing about with the Unity Collaborate beta to see what like that is, similar vein.

[[ EDIT ]]

couldnt get git working correctly, kept freezing up my laptop, so ended up shifting to BitBucket and mercurial. Initial link edited at top of post, peeps can still download the repo tho as its public :wink:

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How is Unity Collaborate? I think that would be a great tool to integrate collaboration into the Unity framework, probably more effectively than just using github and then loading everything back into Unity to make a change on it.

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My git hub is https://github.com/kd7uiy/

My bitbucket, where I usually keep my source, as they allow free private repositories, is https://bitbucket.org/tuvas21/ . I do have a few projects there that were once closed source, and later I opened them up.

I don’t have anything Unity related at either, at least in public repositories.

EDIT: Since I posted this, I’ve been working on an open source project on GitHub known as Project Porcupine. Take a look at it!

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is my github account,
At the moment very few of my projects are opensource most of them are private but soon I would be opensourcing most of my projects .

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It’s bitbucket not github, but still :wink:

For now there’s only the repository for my EscapeZ game (my extended Zombie Runner project from the Unity Course)

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Use got. Honestly after you get over the culture shock. You’ll never want to use SVN again.


Note to self read what I type before posting. use Git

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Damn auto-incorrect! :wink:

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I opened a github account, what do I do with it?

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make a repo and put whatever you want in it :slight_smile:


Mine is https://github.com/zaklaus
but no course repository yet.


We look forward to seeing your first one soon.


Mine is https://github.com/Jenglemb . So far it only has the very beginning of the Battle Tank project in it.


@Kimset Maybe a bit late but I just signed up. Anyway for new users it might be interesting. There is a basic course about Git and Github version control that I can recommend. I was used to SVN (Subversion) and found this course on udacity: https://www.udacity.com/course/how-to-use-git-and-github--ud775 which helped me to make the switch to Git.

I hope I am alowed to put links else just go to udacity and search for “How to use Git and Github”.


Hi there, here’s mine: https://github.com/igorfel
There’s some work from my college and some indie projects


just to add to @arne_mertz’s comments, no one can commit changes to your repos without your consent, although if they’re public, they can fork their own copies and tweak them. I recommend brushing up on Pull Requests, collaborations and Forks vs. Clones since they’re a crucial part of any version control system.



I’m at http://github.com/michaelhazani. Lots of web dev, three.js / webgl, fun stuff:)


Hi this is mine :smiley:



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