Let's share GitHub accounts

I’ve been coding in obscurity for too long :wink:
(actually just a few months)


Updated account,

Now using as well so have a look, follow me, whatever it is you kids do these days :wink:


Haven’t gotten source tree to work with unity on Windows yet.
So I only have the bulls and cows section of the unreal course (by uploading my code).


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I recently started migrating all of my projects to Github and made it part of my daily workflow.

I’ve just started with the Unreal course, so there isn’t anything there (yet) related to that. Always up for new friends, though!

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nothing I got in my GitHub but I have recently pushed code of Section 2 from Unreal Course on Udemy till to the getline()'s method topic.

Link: https://github.com/CJHackerz/


Most my SVN stuff has been there for over a decade! I’ve been using Git exclusively for a long time :slight_smile:

Oy mine here : https://github.com/MadJlzz

I made a dependencies management for Unity3D for a long time now. (actually, it is just a wrapper) I use it in every Unity projects I make to reference part of frameworks I may use (Google Play, etc…)

Feel free to use it, destroy it or maybe improve it :wink:

I had changed my GitHub user name to github.com/cosmicyogi

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