
Hello, I’m getting back into game design and thought this would be a good place to start. :slight_smile:


Hi, my name is Ashlyn. I’m currently living in Ohio, a fairly recent college grad hoping to learn coding to improve my resume and find a way to move from the midwest to somewhere more exciting (no offense midwest, i love you).


Hey everyone! My name’s Hayden and I’m from Orlando, FL. This course is my first step in learning virtual and augmented reality so they I can create a new generation of escape game!

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Hello everyone I an student aiming together to be a game programmer looking to start university next September year just started C# unity developer 3D Learn to code making games looking forward to talking to you all.

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Hi all , I’m Waldek form Poland. Trying to change a carrier. God speed to all of us :slight_smile:

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Hi, Glynn from South Africa. I mainly do 3d modelling and animation, but I’d like to get more into game development.

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Hello! I’m Daniel from Costa Rica. Lookin to start a project with a couple of friends here and see where that takes us!

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Hello fellow course people,

I’m a Visual (Illustration) Student from the Netherlands. I’ve a passion for pixel art, recently started teaching myself 3D using Blender and wanted to combine my skills in Unity and make my very own game. Never done anything like it before, so we’ll see how that turns out. If you wanna just game together or need some (concept) art or new ideas, you can find me on Discord: Merelinie #7452.

Cheers and have a Happy New Year!!!

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Hello everyone,

I’m a filmmaker by day, and I’m trying to branch out into interactive experiences in VR with the help of Unity. I’ve been tooling around for a few months, but a few game dev friends told me I’m going to need a lot more to be able to accomplish what I need, and so I’m here.

Feel free to hit me up on Discord: razgriz1138 #5615


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Eddy from London here although I am a Lithuanian, been living in UK for over 10 years and just love gaming and have Ideas which I hope I can transform into my future games. And just really want to learn C# language for me it looks so interesting.

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Hello everyone!

I am currently in physician assistant school and never really had much experience with unity or scripting but I have always loved games and I am very excited to learn how to make them! I definitely have a lot to learn and can’t wait to start the process with you all!

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Hi there,

My name is Jordan and I’m from Canada (based near Toronto, Ontario but from Halifax, Nova Scotia). I’m currently working on this Udemy course as well as the Unreal Engine - C++ course. I’m a new College graduate and I studied Computer Programming focusing mostly on C# and Java. I want to work in the Video Game Industry eventually, which is my main motivation for taking this course.


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Hi Everyone, I live in Prince George, BC and I signed up to test myself to try and build something. I manage a tech accelerator and wanted to add some technical ability to my business ability. Here goes! :+1:

Hello all! My name is Predrag, I’m from Serbia, and I joined this course hoping that it will help me create my first game.


Hello everyone, I just started learning web development a week ago (HTML5 and CSS3), and am looking for a more fun course to do in my free time. I actually stopped playing video games a couple of months ago, as it was draining my time, but I think it’s okay as long as it’s teaching me to code :wink:

Oh, I am from the U.S., but am living in Hamburg, Germany and would like to switch to some sort of Web Development/Software Developer/Programmer career.

Hello everyone. I’m Yiluan. I come from Taiwan. :taiwan:
I’m new to Unity3D, and the reasons I want to learn Unity3D are I want to try making my own games and the project I’m working is based on Unity3D.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish the course very soon and discuss with you guys.

Hello everybody! I’m about as green as possible when it comes to Unity/C#, but I have years of computer experience including debugging mainframe code and modern code, so I’m hoping I won’t struggle too much. I’m super excited to learn about Unity development and will be leveraging this course to improve my overall knowledge and experience.

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Heya! I’m brand new to C# and really coding in general. I’m learning to code so that I can work towards my goal of developing games professionally. Unity 3D seemed like a good place for me to start!

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Hi from L.A.

I’m here because I’m taking an advanced C++ course at my local community college and for my final project I must write a full game. We have the option of text, graphics or something with an Arduino board.

I chose graphics because I love design and don’t like the idea of the other two formats. I decided on a game using Unity 3D and C# so I’m here to learn those tools, as I was told it was very similar to C++ but with better libraries for game development and animation.

I have about 14 weeks to create the game in stages and look forward to learning Unity and C# alongside C++.

That’s awesome Ajay! I’m just getting started with Unity myself, and the community is helpful and the UI seems pretty user friendly. Best of luck with your game and course! Keep sharing your progress!

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