Impressed by the modularity of the code

This lesson really brought home to me how well designed the code base we are using is. The ability to swap out a player controller with an AI controller and use the same basic movement, combat and health scripts on both is truly impressive.

This is exactly what I was hoping to get out of this course. Clean, simple, well designed modules that can be plugged into any game project with little effort.

And the way it integrates with the nested prefabs is also quite impressive. For the first time I feel like I’m learning a way of building games that is both flexible and scalable.


Thank you for the feedback!
At the core of this design is the first plank in the SOLID design principles, Single Responsibity. Because a Movement component is responsible for moving the character and nothing else. This actually frees us to use the component for both player and AI. These check the boxes of a few other principles as well, but to me, that’s the biggest one.

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