How to Salve INPUT so i can use it on other Function?

This is my code, i’m trying to use the “Input” in other function but i’m not being able to

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour
string Ordem ;
string Nome = “Bem vindo Oz”;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()


void MostrarMenuInicial(string cumprimento)
    Terminal.WriteLine("Qual servidor voce gostaria de hackear?");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Aperte 1 - Servidor finanças");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Aperte 2 - Servidor do Banco");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Aperte 3 - Servidor Internacional");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Escolha sua opçao:");

void OnUserInput(string Input)
    if (Input == "menu")
    else if (Input == "1")
    else if (Input == "2")
        Terminal.WriteLine("Voce escolheu o Servidor do Banco");
    else if (Input == "3")
        Terminal.WriteLine("Voce escolheu o Servidor Internacional");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Voce escolheu uma opçao invalida");

private void StartLevel(int level)
    if (level == 1)
        Terminal.WriteLine("Voce escolheu o Servidor finanças");
        Terminal.WriteLine("0 para confirmar 1 para retornar ao menu");
        if (Input == "0")           <----------- Here Is The Problem
        else if (Input == "1")          <----------- Here Is The Problem

private void IniciarLevel1()
    throw new NotImplementedException();


Hi Oziel,

Input is a local variable existing in the scope of your OnUserInput method only. If you want to pass on the user input, add a second parameter to StartLevel:

private void StartLevel(int level, string input)
    // your code

When you call the method, pass on the Input string as the second argument: StartLevel(1, Input);.

See also:

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Is ther a way to save to input outside of my OnUserInput method? i did that to my int level, i created a int level outside so it culd be saved and caled upon, but i cant use the same thing for the input , so i’m doing just like you showed, but i want to know if there is a diferent way to do it.

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