How to only move up and spin

This is probably going to get covered in a later lecture, but I’m rather curious as to how I would move the game object straight up while spinning using transform.Rotate and .Translate? That’s what I expected to happen instead of it moving forward on the y axis based on local dimensions. I’m guessing it has something to do with specifying in the code if you want to use local or global dimensions.

Hi William,

I’ve briefly checked the API, and it seems that the solution for your problem might be simple. Since I don’t know if you would like to challenge yourself, I’m just giving you a hint: Read the description in the docs and the example(s). Unless I’m wrong, they show exactly what you would like to achieve.

If you do not know what to do or get stuck, please share your code here, so I will hopefully be able to assist you.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

See also:

ok cool thanks!

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