HELP! State Error C2039 'GetSessionInterface': is not a member of 'IOnlineSubsystem'

Hello all!

Somewhere in 59 lecture I’ve got lost.
I tried to download project but getting the same errors.
One of them
State Error C2039 ‘GetSessionInterface’: is not a member of ‘IOnlineSubsystem’

Screenshot (23)

Can somebody help?
Tnx! and Good Luck!

Could you please post the whole file here?

See also;

Tnx for the fast response. Here is the code. I mean that’s the code from the Git.

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "PuzzlePlatformsGameInstance.h"

#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "UObject/ConstructorHelpers.h"
#include "Blueprint/UserWidget.h"
#include "OnlineSessionSettings.h"

#include "PlatformTrigger.h"
#include "MenuSystem/MainMenu.h"
#include "MenuSystem/MenuWidget.h"

const static FName SESSION_NAME = TEXT("Game");
const static FName SERVER_NAME_SETTINGS_KEY = TEXT("ServerName");

UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance(const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer)
	ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UUserWidget> MenuBPClass(TEXT("/Game/MenuSystem/WBP_MainMenu"));
	if (!ensure(MenuBPClass.Class != nullptr)) return;

	MenuClass = MenuBPClass.Class;

	ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UUserWidget> InGameMenuBPClass(TEXT("/Game/MenuSystem/WBP_InGameMenu"));
	if (!ensure(InGameMenuBPClass.Class != nullptr)) return;

	InGameMenuClass = InGameMenuBPClass.Class;

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::Init()
	IOnlineSubsystem* Subsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();

	if (Subsystem != nullptr) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Found subsystem %s"), *Subsystem->GetSubsystemName().ToString());
		SessionInterface = Subsystem->GetSessionInterface();
		if (SessionInterface.IsValid()) {
			SessionInterface->OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegates.AddUObject(this, &UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnCreateSessionComplete);
			SessionInterface->OnDestroySessionCompleteDelegates.AddUObject(this, &UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnCreateSessionComplete);
			SessionInterface->OnFindSessionsCompleteDelegates.AddUObject(this, &UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnFindSessionsComplete);
			SessionInterface->OnJoinSessionCompleteDelegates.AddUObject(this, &UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnJoinSessionComplete);
	else {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Found no subsystem"));

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::LoadMenuWidget()
	if (!ensure(MenuClass != nullptr)) return;

	Menu = CreateWidget<UMainMenu>(this, MenuClass);
	if (!ensure(Menu != nullptr)) return;



void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::InGameLoadMenu()
	if (!ensure(InGameMenuClass != nullptr)) return;

	UMenuWidget* Menu = CreateWidget<UMenuWidget>(this, InGameMenuClass);
	if (!ensure(Menu != nullptr)) return;



void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::Host(FString ServerName)
	DesiredServerName = ServerName;
	if (SessionInterface.IsValid())
		auto ExistingSession = SessionInterface->GetNamedSession(SESSION_NAME);
		if (ExistingSession != nullptr) 

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnDestroySessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool Success)
	if (Success) {

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::CreateSession()
	if (SessionInterface.IsValid()) {
		FOnlineSessionSettings SessionSettings;
		if (IOnlineSubsystem::Get()->GetSubsystemName() == "NULL")
			SessionSettings.bIsLANMatch = true;
			SessionSettings.bIsLANMatch = false;
		SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections = 5;
		SessionSettings.bShouldAdvertise = true;
		SessionSettings.bUsesPresence = true;
		SessionSettings.Set(SERVER_NAME_SETTINGS_KEY, DesiredServerName, EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineServiceAndPing);

		SessionInterface->CreateSession(0, SESSION_NAME, SessionSettings);

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnCreateSessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool Success)
	if (!Success)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Could not create session"));

	if (Menu != nullptr)

	UEngine* Engine = GetEngine();
	if (!ensure(Engine != nullptr)) return;

	Engine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 2, FColor::Green, TEXT("Hosting"));

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	if (!ensure(World != nullptr)) return;


void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::RefreshServerList()
	SessionSearch = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch());
	if (SessionSearch.IsValid())
		//SessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = true;
		SessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 100;
		SessionSearch->QuerySettings.Set(SEARCH_PRESENCE, true, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Starting Find Session"));
		SessionInterface->FindSessions(0, SessionSearch.ToSharedRef());

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnFindSessionsComplete(bool Success)
	if (Success && SessionSearch.IsValid() && Menu != nullptr)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Finished Find Session"));

		TArray<FServerData> ServerNames;
		for (const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& SearchResult : SessionSearch->SearchResults)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Found session names: %s"), *SearchResult.GetSessionIdStr());
			FServerData Data;
			Data.MaxPlayers = SearchResult.Session.SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections;
			Data.CurrentPlayers = Data.MaxPlayers - SearchResult.Session.NumOpenPublicConnections;
			Data.HostUsername = SearchResult.Session.OwningUserName;
			FString ServerName;
			if (SearchResult.Session.SessionSettings.Get(SERVER_NAME_SETTINGS_KEY, ServerName))
				Data.Name = ServerName;
				Data.Name = "Could not find name.";


void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::Join(uint32 Index)
	if (!SessionInterface.IsValid()) return;
	if (!SessionSearch.IsValid()) return;

	if (Menu != nullptr)

	SessionInterface->JoinSession(0, SESSION_NAME, SessionSearch->SearchResults[Index]);

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::OnJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, EOnJoinSessionCompleteResult::Type Result)
	if (!SessionInterface.IsValid()) return;

	FString Address;
	if (!SessionInterface->GetResolvedConnectString(SessionName, Address)) {
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Could not get connect string."));

	UEngine* Engine = GetEngine();
	if (!ensure(Engine != nullptr)) return;

	Engine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 5, FColor::Green, FString::Printf(TEXT("Joining %s"), *Address));

	APlayerController* PlayerController = GetFirstLocalPlayerController();
	if (!ensure(PlayerController != nullptr)) return;

	PlayerController->ClientTravel(Address, ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute);

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::StartSession()
	if (SessionInterface.IsValid())

void UPuzzlePlatformsGameInstance::LoadMainMenu()
	APlayerController* PlayerController = GetFirstLocalPlayerController();
	if (!ensure(PlayerController != nullptr)) return;

	PlayerController->ClientTravel("/Game/MenuSystem/MainMenu", ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute);

Thank you.

1 Like

I tried to search for some solutions online, and I have found some related issues:

Some of them refer to some kind of additional includes, while others talk about problems due to changing version of Unreal and converting project.

It seems to be an Unreal issue, and I am not sure that I can help much here.
Did you happen may be to upgrade your project?
You could try to also include a “OnlineSubsystemTypes.h” previous to “OnlineSessionSettings.h”

What is a OnlineSubsystem.h? Is it a file added by you, or this is the Unreals file?
I don’t have access to this course so i can not check.
Can you navigate to that file and show what’s happening in line 262 ?

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Hello Maxim,
Thank you for your help and answers.
I didn’t upgrade the project.

  • I’ve got almost working version from lesson 59.
    Only One UMG cant be compiled here is the image with the in editor problem. VS compile it ok

-I’ve got 3 different engine versions installed. Maybe it is engine problem because it happened me before when I upgraded the projects. Maybe git project from Git was done with updated version.
OnlineSubsystem.h is the file from the Github folder. It is for the steam multiplayer development.
Here is OnlineSubsystem.h code

// Copyright 1998-2017 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Stats/Stats.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystemModule.h"
#include "UObject/CoreOnline.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystemTypes.h"
#include "OnlineDelegateMacros.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystemNames.h"

class FOnlineNotificationHandler;
class FOnlineNotificationTransportManager;
class IMessageSanitizer;
class IOnlineAchievements;
class IOnlineChat;
class IOnlineEntitlements;
class IOnlineEvents;
class IOnlineExternalUI;
class IOnlineFriends;
class IOnlineGroups;
class IOnlineIdentity;
class IOnlineLeaderboards;
class IOnlineMessage;
class IOnlinePartySystem;
class IOnlinePresence;
class IOnlinePurchase;
class IOnlineSession;
class IOnlineSharedCloud;
class IOnlineSharing;
class IOnlineStore;
class IOnlineStoreV2;
class IOnlineTime;
class IOnlineTitleFile;
class IOnlineTurnBased;
class IOnlineUser;
class IOnlineUserCloud;
class IOnlineVoice;


/** Online subsystem stats */
/** Total async thread time */
/** Number of async tasks in queue */
/** Total time to process session interface */
/** Total time to process both local/remote voice */

#define UE_LOG_ONLINE(Verbosity, Format, ...) \
{ \
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbosity, TEXT("%s%s"), ONLINE_LOG_PREFIX, *FString::Printf(Format, ##__VA_ARGS__)); \

/** Forward declarations of all interface classes */
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineSession, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>  ;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineFriends, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineFriendsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlinePartySystem, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlinePartyPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IMessageSanitizer, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IMessageSanitizerPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineGroups, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineGroupsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineSharedCloud, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineSharedCloudPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineUserCloud, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineUserCloudPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineEntitlements, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineEntitlementsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineLeaderboards, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineLeaderboardsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineVoice, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineVoicePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineExternalUI, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineExternalUIPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineTime, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineTimePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineIdentity, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineIdentityPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineTitleFile, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineTitleFilePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineStore, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineStorePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineStoreV2, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineStoreV2Ptr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlinePurchase, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlinePurchasePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineEvents, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineEventsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineAchievements, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineAchievementsPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineSharing, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineSharingPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineUser, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineUserPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineMessage, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineMessagePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlinePresence, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlinePresencePtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineChat, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineChatPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class IOnlineTurnBased, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineTurnBasedPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class FOnlineNotificationHandler, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> FOnlineNotificationHandlerPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<class FOnlineNotificationTransportManager, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> FOnlineNotificationTransportManagerPtr;

 * Called when the connection state as reported by the online platform changes
 * @param LastConnectionState last state of the connection
 * @param ConnectionState current state of the connection
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnConnectionStatusChanged, EOnlineServerConnectionStatus::Type /*LastConnectionState*/, EOnlineServerConnectionStatus::Type /*ConnectionState*/);
typedef FOnConnectionStatusChanged::FDelegate FOnConnectionStatusChangedDelegate;

 * Delegate fired when the PSN environment changes
 * @param LastEnvironment - old online environment
 * @param Environment - current online environment
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnOnlineEnvironmentChanged, EOnlineEnvironment::Type /*LastEnvironment*/, EOnlineEnvironment::Type /*Environment*/);
typedef FOnOnlineEnvironmentChanged::FDelegate FOnOnlineEnvironmentChangedDelegate;

* Delegate fired when the "Play Together" event is sent from the PS4 system
* @param UserIndex - User index of the player the event is for
* @param UserIdList - list of other users in the PS4 party to send invites to
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnPlayTogetherEventReceived, int32, TArray<TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>>);
typedef FOnPlayTogetherEventReceived::FDelegate FOnPlayTogetherEventReceivedDelegate;

 *	OnlineSubsystem - Series of interfaces to support communicating with various web/platform layer services
class ONLINESUBSYSTEM_API IOnlineSubsystem
	/** Hidden on purpose */
	IOnlineSubsystem() {}

	FOnlineNotificationHandlerPtr OnlineNotificationHandler;
	FOnlineNotificationTransportManagerPtr OnlineNotificationTransportManager;

	virtual ~IOnlineSubsystem() {}

	 * Get the online subsystem for a given service
	 * @param SubsystemName - Name of the requested online service
	 * @return pointer to the appropriate online subsystem
	static IOnlineSubsystem* Get(const FName& SubsystemName = NAME_None)
		static const FName OnlineSubsystemModuleName = TEXT("OnlineSubsystem");
		FOnlineSubsystemModule& OSSModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FOnlineSubsystemModule>(OnlineSubsystemModuleName); 
		return OSSModule.GetOnlineSubsystem(SubsystemName); 

	 * Get the online subsystem based on current platform
	 * @param bAutoLoad - load the module if not already loaded
	 * @return pointer to the appropriate online subsystem
	static IOnlineSubsystem* GetByPlatform(bool bAutoLoad=true)
			if (bAutoLoad || IOnlineSubsystem::IsLoaded(PS4_SUBSYSTEM))
				return IOnlineSubsystem::Get(PS4_SUBSYSTEM);
			if (bAutoLoad || IOnlineSubsystem::IsLoaded(LIVE_SUBSYSTEM))
				return IOnlineSubsystem::Get(LIVE_SUBSYSTEM);
			if (bAutoLoad || IOnlineSubsystem::IsLoaded(GOOGLEPLAY_SUBSYSTEM))
				return IOnlineSubsystem::Get(GOOGLEPLAY_SUBSYSTEM);
		else if (PLATFORM_IOS)
			if (bAutoLoad || IOnlineSubsystem::IsLoaded(IOS_SUBSYSTEM))
				return IOnlineSubsystem::Get(IOS_SUBSYSTEM);
		return nullptr;

	 * Destroy a single online subsystem instance
	 * @param SubsystemName - Name of the online service to destroy
	static void Destroy(FName SubsystemName)
		static const FName OnlineSubsystemModuleName = TEXT("OnlineSubsystem");
		FOnlineSubsystemModule& OSSModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FOnlineSubsystemModule>(OnlineSubsystemModuleName);
		return OSSModule.DestroyOnlineSubsystem(SubsystemName);

	 * Unload the current default subsystem and attempt to reload the configured default subsystem
	 * May be different if the fallback subsystem was created an startup
	 * **NOTE** This is intended for editor use only, attempting to use this at the wrong time can result
	 * in unexpected crashes/behavior
	static void ReloadDefaultSubsystem()
		static const FName OnlineSubsystemModuleName = TEXT("OnlineSubsystem");
		FOnlineSubsystemModule& OSSModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FOnlineSubsystemModule>(OnlineSubsystemModuleName);
		return OSSModule.ReloadDefaultSubsystem();

	 * Determine if an instance of the subsystem already exists
	 * @param SubsystemName - Name of the requested online service
	 * @return true if instance exists, false otherwise
	FORCENOINLINE static bool DoesInstanceExist(const FName& SubsystemName = NAME_None)
		if (FModuleManager::Get().IsModuleLoaded("OnlineSubsystem"))
			FOnlineSubsystemModule& OSSModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FOnlineSubsystemModule>("OnlineSubsystem");
			return OSSModule.DoesInstanceExist(SubsystemName);
		return false;

	 * Determine if the subsystem for a given interface is already loaded
	 * @param SubsystemName - Name of the requested online service
	 * @return true if module for the subsystem is loaded
	static bool IsLoaded(const FName& SubsystemName = NAME_None)
		if (FModuleManager::Get().IsModuleLoaded("OnlineSubsystem"))
			FOnlineSubsystemModule& OSSModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FOnlineSubsystemModule>("OnlineSubsystem"); 
			return OSSModule.IsOnlineSubsystemLoaded(SubsystemName); 
		return false;

	 * Return the name of the subsystem @see OnlineSubsystemNames.h
	 * @return the name of the subsystem, as used in calls to IOnlineSubsystem::Get()
	virtual FName GetSubsystemName() const = 0;

	 * Get the instance name, which is typically "default" or "none" but distinguishes
	 * one instance from another in "Play In Editor" mode.  Most platforms can't do this
	 * because of third party requirements that only allow one login per machine instance
	 * @return the instance name of this subsystem
	virtual FName GetInstanceName() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the session management services
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate session service
	virtual IOnlineSessionPtr GetSessionInterface() const = 0;
	 * Get the interface for accessing the player friends services
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate friend service
	virtual IOnlineFriendsPtr GetFriendsInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the message sanitizer service
	 * @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
	 * @param OutAuthTypeToExclude platform to exclude in sanitization requests
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate sanitizer service
	virtual IMessageSanitizerPtr GetMessageSanitizer(int32 LocalUserNum, FString& OutAuthTypeToExclude) const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the groups services
	 * @return Interface pointer for appropriate groups service
	virtual IOnlineGroupsPtr GetGroupsInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the player party services
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate party service
	virtual IOnlinePartyPtr GetPartyInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for sharing user files in the cloud
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate cloud service
	virtual IOnlineSharedCloudPtr GetSharedCloudInterface() const = 0;

	* Get the interface for accessing user files in the cloud
	* @return Interface pointer for the appropriate cloud service
	virtual IOnlineUserCloudPtr GetUserCloudInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing user entitlements
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate entitlements service
	virtual IOnlineEntitlementsPtr GetEntitlementsInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing leaderboards/rankings of a service
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate leaderboard service
	virtual IOnlineLeaderboardsPtr GetLeaderboardsInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing voice related data
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate voice service
	virtual IOnlineVoicePtr GetVoiceInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the external UIs of a service
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate external UI service
	virtual IOnlineExternalUIPtr GetExternalUIInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing the server time from an online service
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate server time service
	virtual IOnlineTimePtr GetTimeInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing identity online services
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate identity service
	virtual IOnlineIdentityPtr GetIdentityInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing title file online services
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate title file service
	virtual IOnlineTitleFilePtr GetTitleFileInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing an online store
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online store service
	virtual IOnlineStorePtr GetStoreInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing an online store
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online store service
	virtual IOnlineStoreV2Ptr GetStoreV2Interface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for purchasing 
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate purchase service
	virtual IOnlinePurchasePtr GetPurchaseInterface() const = 0;
	 * Get the interface for accessing online achievements
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online achievements service
	virtual IOnlineEventsPtr GetEventsInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing online achievements
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online achievements service
	virtual IOnlineAchievementsPtr GetAchievementsInterface() const = 0;
	 * Get the interface for accessing online sharing
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online sharing service
	virtual IOnlineSharingPtr GetSharingInterface() const = 0;
	 * Get the interface for accessing online user information
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online user service
	virtual IOnlineUserPtr GetUserInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for accessing online messages
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online user service
	virtual IOnlineMessagePtr GetMessageInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for managing rich presence information
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online user service
	virtual IOnlinePresencePtr GetPresenceInterface() const = 0;

	 * Get the interface for user-user and user-room chat functionality
	 * @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online user service
	virtual IOnlineChatPtr GetChatInterface() const = 0;

	* Get the notification handler instance for this subsystem
	* @return Pointer for the appropriate notification handler
	FOnlineNotificationHandlerPtr GetOnlineNotificationHandler() const
		return OnlineNotificationHandler;

	* Get the interface for managing turn based multiplayer games
	* @return Interface pointer for the appropriate online user service
	virtual IOnlineTurnBasedPtr GetTurnBasedInterface() const = 0;

	* Get the transport manager instance for this subsystem
	* @return Pointer for the appropriate transport manager
	FOnlineNotificationTransportManagerPtr GetOnlineNotificationTransportManager() const
		return OnlineNotificationTransportManager;

	 * Get custom UObject data preserved by the online subsystem
	 * @param InterfaceName key to the custom data
	virtual class UObject* GetNamedInterface(FName InterfaceName) = 0;

	 * Set a custom UObject to be preserved by the online subsystem
	 * @param InterfaceName key to the custom data
	 * @param NewInterface object to preserve
	virtual void SetNamedInterface(FName InterfaceName, class UObject* NewInterface) = 0;

	 * Is the online subsystem associated with the game/editor/engine running as dedicated.
	 * May be forced into this mode by EditorPIE, but basically asks if the OSS is serving
	 * in a dedicated capacity
	 * @return true if the online subsystem is in dedicated server mode, false otherwise
	virtual bool IsDedicated() const = 0;

	 * Is this instance of the game running as a server (dedicated OR listen)
	 * checks the Engine if possible for netmode status
	 * @return true if this is the server, false otherwise
	virtual bool IsServer() const = 0;

	 * Force the online subsystem to behave as if it's associated with running a dedicated server
	 * @param bForce force dedicated mode if true
	virtual void SetForceDedicated(bool bForce) = 0;

	 * Is a player local to this machine by unique id
	 * @param UniqueId UniqueId of the player
	 * @return true if unique id is local to this machine, false otherwise
	virtual bool IsLocalPlayer(const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId) const = 0;

	 * Initialize the underlying subsystem APIs
	 * @return true if the subsystem was successfully initialized, false otherwise
	virtual bool Init() = 0;

	 * Perform any shutdown actions prior to any other modules being unloaded/shutdown
	virtual void PreUnload() = 0;

	 * Shutdown the underlying subsystem APIs
	 * @return true if the subsystem shutdown successfully, false otherwise
	virtual bool Shutdown() = 0;

	 * Each online subsystem has a global id for the app
	 * @return the app id for this app
	virtual FString GetAppId() const = 0;

	 * Exec handler that allows the online subsystem to process exec commands
	 * @param InWorld world
	 * @param Cmd the exec command being executed
	 * @param Ar the archive to log results to
	 * @return true if the handler consumed the input, false to continue searching handlers
	virtual bool Exec(class UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar) = 0;

	 * Some platforms must know when the game is using Multiplayer features so they can do recurring authorization checks.
	virtual void SetUsingMultiplayerFeatures(const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId, bool bUsingMP) = 0;

	 * Called when the connection state as reported by the online platform changes
	 * @param LastConnectionState last state of the connection
	 * @param ConnectionState current state of the connection
	DEFINE_ONLINE_DELEGATE_TWO_PARAM(OnConnectionStatusChanged, EOnlineServerConnectionStatus::Type /*LastConnectionState*/, EOnlineServerConnectionStatus::Type /*ConnectionState*/);

	 * @return the current environment being used for the online platform
	virtual EOnlineEnvironment::Type GetOnlineEnvironment() const = 0;

	 * Delegate fired when the online environment changes
	 * @param LastEnvironment - old online environment
	 * @param Environment - current online environment
	DEFINE_ONLINE_DELEGATE_TWO_PARAM(OnOnlineEnvironmentChanged, EOnlineEnvironment::Type /*LastEnvironment*/, EOnlineEnvironment::Type /*Environment*/);

	* Delegate fired when the "Play Together" event is sent from the PS4 system
	* @param UserIndex - User index of the player the event is for
	* @param UserIdList - list of other users in the PS4 party to send invites to
	DEFINE_ONLINE_DELEGATE_TWO_PARAM(OnPlayTogetherEventReceived, int32, TArray<TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>>);

	 * @return The name of the online service this platform uses
	virtual FText GetOnlineServiceName() const = 0;

/** Public references to the online subsystem pointer should use this */
typedef TSharedPtr<IOnlineSubsystem, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> IOnlineSubsystemPtr;

 * Interface for creating the actual online subsystem instance for a given platform
 * all modules must implement this

	IOnlineFactory() {}
	virtual ~IOnlineFactory() {}

	 * Create an instance of the platform subsystem
	 * @param InstanceName name of this single instance of the subsystem
	 * @return newly created and initialized online subsystem, NULL if failure
	virtual IOnlineSubsystemPtr CreateSubsystem(FName InstanceName) = 0;

 * Generates a unique number based off of the current engine package
 * @return the unique number from the current engine package
ONLINESUBSYSTEM_API int32 GetBuildUniqueId();

 * Common implementation for finding a player in a session
 * @param SessionInt Session interface to use
 * @param SessionName Session name to check for player
 * @param UniqueId UniqueId of the player
 * @return true if unique id found in session, false otherwise
ONLINESUBSYSTEM_API bool IsPlayerInSessionImpl(class IOnlineSession* SessionInt, FName SessionName, const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId);

 * Retrieve the beacon port from the specified session settings
 * @param SessionSettings the session settings that contains the BEACON_PORT setting
 * @return the port if found, otherwise DEFAULT_BEACON_PORT
ONLINESUBSYSTEM_API int32 GetBeaconPortFromSessionSettings(const class FOnlineSessionSettings& SessionSettings);

/** Temp solution for some hardcoded access to logged in user 0, please avoid using this */
ONLINESUBSYSTEM_API TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId> GetFirstSignedInUser(IOnlineIdentityPtr IdentityInt);

I tried your suggestions but nothing is working for now. I will dry to dig from your link.
Now I’m interested to find an issue more any idea where to ask Course professors online, here at github or somewhere else.
Again, thank you very much on your time.
Good luck!

Sorry, so far I have no idea what could be the problem.
Could you please navigate to file OnlineSubsystem.h to line 262 within visual studio and take a screen shot of what is there?

Here it is. Cheers!

@Studio_Don_Quixote_k I am sorry, but i can not help you here. I don’t see any issues with the header file, and I assume there is issue either with visual studio intermediate files, or could be that it is the issue with Unreal?

Try to clean and rebuild your project. If that does not work, I think you could invite Sam or Ben to this conversation for them to help you, or if you know anyone who has knowledge in Unreal.

Sorry that I couldn’t help. But I’ll stick around if something new will come up

1 Like

Thank you Maxim for your time and effort.

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