Help me please

I’m using Visual Studio and I can’t find any of the extensions that look similar to what he is using, which has caused other issues down the line, please help

Are you using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code? Visual Studio is not Visual Studio Code. The instructor uses Visual Studio Code.

Hi Aedan,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Bixarrio is right. We need to know exactly which script editor you use. Otherwise, we might suggest solutions for the ‘wrong’ script editor, which would not be helpful for you.

Have you already seen this thread?

See also:


I am using Visual Studio Code and having the same issue.
Here is the list I get when Searching C# in the Extensions Marketplace:

I’ll be installing the C# Dev Kit, C# and IntelliCode for C# Dev Kit since the OmniSharp extension from the course was published by Microsoft as well as those three.

Let me know if anyone knows of a better way of going about this.

Hi @Weastley,

Yes, please try to install those extensions. They are also mentioned on the official VS Code website.

Please let me know if they fixed the issue for you, or if you still have problems with VS Code.

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