Finished the RPG 4-course sequence!

Restoration by Deplorable Mountaineer

Took years when you count the pauses and restarts.

A playable demo of about 20 minutes of the game is at the link above.

It runs on Windows 64 bit. (Tested on Win 11 with AMD processor, nvidia RTX but should work on (most) Win64 with some kind of graphics card.)

I was unable to build a WebGL version. I expect it would perform poorly anyway given the graphics demands. Though URP is supposed to be “Universal” enough, something in the project wasn’t.


Nice, congrats on finishing it! Sometimes its hard staying motivated.
Still need to get back to it myself. Keep up the good work!

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Great Job!

The full four courses is quite the undertaking, and it does take time to master all of the things taught in the lessons.

WebGL doesn’t do great with heavy projects like these, and I haven’t even tried it with URP. You will find (with some reworking of the input and reworking of EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) that these games usually port well to mobile, however.

Very nice!

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