Final bowling scene

my final rendering of the bowling scene, used the nodes that @DustInCompetent showed previously


Bowling Ball is heading right for the sweet spot, just to the right of Pin No.01 !

OMG ! The dreaded 7 10 split !



I decided to use some extra time on this assignment.
So I worked more on lighting, materials and texture.
This is my result and it is now 2:32 a.m. so I’m going to bed :wink:


Wuhuu - done with section_03 - here’s my renders - two blender renders, and one with cycles (I learned how to make a pbr material using nodes for the cycle render through this tutorial)


Ok, there are a lot of incredible renders using different tools!! I’m a newbie in all this 3d stuff haha but I can see the potential as a research and a marketing solution in archaeology, cultural heritage, etc.

So… I made my scene render with Keyshot Pro 4 and got amazed with the solar flare texture in the bowling ball!


I found a layout template on Google:

And added it as a background image in Blender:

And ended up with:

Going to move on for now and revisit when I’m done with the course to apply new knowledge to this, maybe make it into a game with Unity. :v::bowling:


Thanks for posting that layout, as that will really help when I get to setting up the scene. :wink:

Heres my first attempt at this scene. I’ll probably recompose this when Im ready to texture and use cycles render. It could do with an alley…

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After seeing all the great pictures here I also also wanted to play a little with materials and textures and here’s the result :slight_smile:


These all look amazing. Here is my attempt, I just went close up and used a glossy material on the ball and the floor as well as a bit of motion blur to give more of a feeling of impact. Maybe I’ll come back to this and try and add in a bowling alley if I get a computer that could handle that LOD.


wanted to do something weird, so i made this animated scene. it took waaay too long to render.

i experimented with physics!




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There are some really inspirational renders in this thread!
Thought I’d play about with some of the materials/textures as well and used Blender Render in this instance.


Cool to finally learn how to color your objects!
My Simple rendered Bowling scene:

and this one taken with sketchfabs render. I call it: Strike?!? =D

I will note that I made this a while ago now. But never got to post it. But there it is :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Your guys bowling scenes are Way cooler though. :smiley:

My sketchfab in case some would like to see it:

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Corks! Lots of great, and advanced, stuff on here.

It’s exciting to start to put together a whole scene :smiley:

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My final scene (top-right pane), I put the pins in one mesh after I ordered them so they’re all static.
There is a lot of talent on here, but we plebs must keep learning!

Here’s my bowling scene. Quite happy with it.




Here’s my Ball and Pins.

Really had a great time with this Section and I can’t wait to do more! I hope texturing is up soon…!

Also, great job with everyone’s pins and bowling balls! We’ve all come so far from our block models!

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