Coordinates Color Problem

Pathfinding is functioning correctly, and the colors are changing as expected. However, I am noticing an issue where more yellow tiles appear on the left side, and I don’t understand why.

Below is the path finder script

‘’'using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PathFinder : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Vector2Int startCoordinates;
[SerializeField] Vector2Int destinationCoordinates;
Node startNode;
Node destinationNode;
Node currentSearchNode;

//nodes that aren't explored 
Queue<Node> frontier = new Queue<Node>();
Vector2Int[] directions = {Vector2Int.right, Vector2Int.left, Vector2Int.up, Vector2Int.down};
GridManager gridManager;
Dictionary<Vector2Int, Node> grid = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, Node> ();

//as in our tree we will include each node only once thats why keeping track
Dictionary<Vector2Int, Node> reached = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, Node>();

private void Awake()
    gridManager = FindObjectOfType<GridManager>();
    if (gridManager != null )
        grid = gridManager.Grid;

void Start()
    startNode = gridManager.Grid[startCoordinates];
    destinationNode = gridManager.Grid[destinationCoordinates];


void ExploreNeighbors()
    List<Node> neighbors = new List<Node>();

    foreach(Vector2Int direction in directions)
        Vector2Int neighborcoords = currentSearchNode.coordinates + direction;

        if (grid.ContainsKey(neighborcoords))

            /*TODO: Remove after testing
            grid[neighborcoords].isExplored = true;
            grid[currentSearchNode.coordinates].isPath = true;*/


    foreach(Node neighbor in neighbors)
        if (!reached.ContainsKey(neighbor.coordinates) && neighbor.isWalkable)
            neighbor.connectedTo = currentSearchNode;
            reached.Add(neighbor.coordinates, neighbor);

void BreadthFirstSearch()
    bool isRunning = true;

    reached.Add(startCoordinates, startNode);

    while (frontier.Count > 0 && isRunning)
        currentSearchNode = frontier.Dequeue();
        currentSearchNode.isExplored = true;

        if (currentSearchNode == destinationNode)
            isRunning = false;

List<Node> BuildPath()
    List <Node> path = new List<Node>();
    Node currentNode = destinationNode;
    currentNode.isPath = true;

    while (currentNode.connectedTo != null)
        currentNode = currentNode.connectedTo;
        currentNode.isPath = true;


    return path;


CoordinateLabeler Script:

‘’'using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

//atatching this script to text as it need to be changed

[ExecuteAlways] //as we want to see changes in edit mode too
//it is a flag
public class CoordinatesLabeler : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Color defautColor = Color.white;
[SerializeField] Color blockedColor = Color.gray;
[SerializeField] Color exploredColor = Color.yellow;
[SerializeField] Color pathColor = new Color(1f, 0.5f, 0f);
TextMeshPro Label;
Vector2Int coordinates = new Vector2Int();

GridManager gridManager;

void Awake()
    Label = GetComponent<TextMeshPro>();
    gridManager = FindObjectOfType<GridManager>();
    Label.enabled = false;

void Update()
    //will just execute in edit mode
    if (!Application.isPlaying)
        Label.enabled = true;


private void ToggleLabels()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
        //IsActive gives current active state
        Label.enabled = !Label.IsActive();

private void SetLabelColor()
    if (gridManager == null) { return;  }
    Node node = gridManager.GetNode(coordinates);

    if (node == null) { return; }

    if (!node.isWalkable)
        Label.color = blockedColor;
    else if(node.isPath) //did path before explored as it comes under explored if explored first we will never reach to path
        Label.color = pathColor;
    else if(node.isExplored)
        Label.color = exploredColor;
        Label.color = defautColor;

private void DisplayCoordinates()
    if (gridManager == null) { return; }

    //transform.parent as text is a child obj
    coordinates.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.parent.position.x / gridManager.UnityGridSize);
    coordinates.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.parent.position.z / gridManager.UnityGridSize);
    Label.text = coordinates.x + "," + coordinates.y;

private void UpdateObjectName()
{ = coordinates.ToString();


I am also having confusion regarding what exactly isExplored refers to

Hi Rabia,

The algorithm does not check every tile but stops when it finds the target tile. Only the tiles which got checked (= explored) get the yellow color. If they are part of the path, they get the “path” color. All tiles that were not checked (= not explored) keep their original color.

Did this clear it up for you?

See also:

1 Like

Yes Nina, thankyou so much.

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