I can shoot lasers with left Ctrl button but unable to move my ship with WASD or Arrow keys After Adding tooltip and headers and
changing code in Active fire Method/Function ,it was all fine before this lecture.
I am also Adding screenshot of my player ship Inspector
You Can See My Code Below:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerControls : MonoBehaviour
[Header("General Setup Settings")]
[Tooltip("How fast ship moves up and down based upon player input")]
[SerializeField] float controlSpeed = 10f;
[Tooltip("How fast player moves horizontally")] [SerializeField] float xRange = 10f;
[Tooltip("How fast player moves vertically")] [SerializeField] float yRange = 7f;
[Header("Laser gun array")]
[Tooltip("Add all player lasers here")]
[SerializeField] GameObject[] lasers;
[Header("Screen position based tuning")]
[SerializeField] float positionPitchFactor = -2f;
[SerializeField] float positionYawFactor = 2f;
[Header("Player input based tuning")]
[SerializeField] float controlPitchFactor = -10f;
[SerializeField] float controlRollFactor = -20f;
float xThrow, yThrow;
void Update()
void ProcessRotation()
float pitchDueToPosition = transform.localPosition.y * positionPitchFactor;
float pitchDueToControlThrow = yThrow * controlPitchFactor;
float pitch = pitchDueToPosition + pitchDueToControlThrow;
float yaw = transform.localPosition.x * positionYawFactor;
float roll = xThrow * controlRollFactor;
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, roll);
void ProcessTranslation()
xThrow = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
yThrow = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
float xOffset = xThrow * Time.deltaTime * controlSpeed;
float rawXPos = transform.localPosition.x + xOffset;
float clampedXPos = Mathf.Clamp(rawXPos, -xRange, xRange);
float yOffset = yThrow * Time.deltaTime * controlSpeed;
float rawYPos = transform.localPosition.y + yOffset;
float clampedYPos = Mathf.Clamp(rawYPos, -yRange, yRange);
transform.localPosition = new Vector3(clampedXPos, clampedYPos, transform.localPosition.z);
void ProcessFiring()
if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
void SetLasersActive(bool isActive)
foreach (GameObject laser in lasers)
var emissionModule = laser.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().emission;
emissionModule.enabled = isActive;