Clean and short version

Looking at the API, this is my approach:

		if ((GlobalTargetLocation - Location).IsUnit(Speed*DeltaTime)) {
			Swap(GlobalTargetLocation, GlobalStartLocation);

The idea is to check if the distance between the target and the current location is smaller than the “Speed*DeltaTime” step-width that we would go in the next step in order to prevent overshooting the target. If it is, I reverse the direction using “Swap”.

Performance-wise this is probably not the best solution, but I like the idea that its a pretty “clean” two-liner (not counting the brackets)

The full tick() method looks like this:

void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float DeltaTime) 
	if (HasAuthority()) 
		FVector Location = GetActorLocation();
		if ((GlobalTargetLocation - Location).IsUnit(Speed*DeltaTime)) {
			Swap(GlobalTargetLocation, GlobalStartLocation);
		FVector Direction = (GlobalTargetLocation - GlobalStartLocation).GetSafeNormal();
		Location += Speed * DeltaTime * Direction;

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