Buttons working in Editor but not in Build

Hi all,

When I do a Run & Build of the project for the Our First Unit lecture, the Network Manager buttons are visible but do not work or even change colour when the mouse hovers over them. They do however work in the Editor. The buttons for the project in the first section work fine. Some Googling suggested adding an EventSystem gameobject but that doesn’t seem to fix it. For testing I added a button, canvas and EventSystem and even that didn’t fix it. I’ve reopened the old project and I can’t see any difference in the project itself or the Player Settings. Any ideas?

Hi there, make sure your input system is set to both.
Project Settings → Player → Other and make sure the Active Input Handling is set to both. Sometimes there is a bug where Unity resets this so make sure it is correct if you are still getting the error. Let me know if this helps.

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Perfect. Worked like a charm. While I was troubleshooting I checked the EventSystem and forgot we are using the Both option not just the Input System. Thank you so much for your help =)

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