Buttons not working in build

Game buttons work in the editor but not when I build the unity

When I do a Run & Build of the project for the Our First Unit lecture, the Network Manager buttons are visible but do not work or even change colour when the mouse hovers over them. They do however work in the Editor. The buttons for the project in the first section work fine. Some Googling suggested adding an EventSystem gameobject but that doesn’t seem to fix it. For testing I added a button, canvas and EventSystem and even that didn’t fix it. I’ve reopened the old project and I can’t see any difference in the project itself or the Player Settings. Any ideas?

I tested this but didn’t work any ideas?


Happy New Year, and welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

In which course and lecture are you? And what Network Manager do you mean? I’m asking because your thread links one of our archived courses (the old Unity 2D course, to be precise) for which we do not provide support anymore because it is heavily outdated.


We have many Unity courses. Could you please share the exact name of the course and the name of the lecture? At the moment, I do not recognise your problem, so I don’t know how/if I can help you.

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