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Did It!
Being the first to reply is neat and all, but it’s kinda lonely haha
Thanks for sharing!
One slow and one slammer.
Went for a “Ink” Gun ^^
Since I already spaced the ball between frames so that it had realistic constant acceleration, then did it again by adjusting frame timings (each frame double the speed of previous, then reverse), we have an unrealistic bounce as in an alternate universe where gravity is very nonuniform.
I too had different ball movement between the frames initially, but have here set it up with different timing in addition to the movement.
So, I discovered that if you open a *.gif in Gimp, the layers will have the animation parameters assigned to the layers. The downside: If you try to edit the layers by giving them a black background, the best you’ll get is a dark forest green color.
First, that ball is beautiful.
Second, I suspect that your dark-green-black issue is caused by the way the .gif format uses colour, and the way GIMP handles .gifs.
GIF can only handle 256 colours. In animations I think that means 256 colours per frame. This is really limiting if you take the 16.7 million colours we’re used to for granted.
When you export a .gif, GIMP makes indices of the colours used, and this becomes part of the file. You can see options related to this in the Image -> Mode -> Indexed menu. I’m going out on a limb here but I suspect that when you were trying to paint black, GIMP selected the closest fit from its automatically generated indexed palette. So it’s possible that you could convert the Mode back to RGB after opening the GIF, and that’ll let you use actual black, which will then be included in the indexed palette GIMP generates when you export it again. There might also be a way to just manually add 0,0,0 black to the indexed palette. This is all new to me too.
Please correct me if I’m wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, I tried importing your ball and painting the backgrounds of the frames black, and it wanted to be an extremely dark blue. I converted the Mode to RGB, and that let me do this:
If you open that file in GIMP, I reckon it’ll be Indexed mode again, but now 0,0,0 Black will be in the list of colours included in the palette.
Note that as always, there’s many approaches to this problem; if you create a new 64x64 GIMP project and just drag and drop your file in, you can use Actual Black, and the frames/layers still retain their names, and thus, parameters.
Cool! Thanks for the info! That makes sense. I’ve dealt with something like this before ages ago.
Loved this lecture as it leaves us with a lot of powerful options to tweak gifs.
In my case, my ball monster is no longer a bouncy- but a jumping ball, by having it anticipate its jump far longer than in the previous example I made.