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I’m having a similar problem, but got this error:

An error occurred while trying to generate project files.

Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.15/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/sahba_000/Documents/Unreal Projects/UnrealCourse/Section_01/Section_01.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
ERROR: No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe

Not sure how to proceed past this point.

Edit: FWIW I found that I had an old install of Visual Studio still installed, for VS2015. When I ran it it did an update and then I retried. Sure enough it worked as shown in the video’s. The only slight differece to the video is when UE went to open the project I was given a choice of which application to use to open it. VS2017 was one of the choices, and it worked fine at that point.

I hope posting this is helpful to someone else as well.


I tried what you said about VS 2015 and it worked :slight_smile:
Thank you

HI everyone, i am brand new to coding and have a passion for video games so i decided to start with this. I am on a MAC and I to had the lighting error, closed and restarted per the last video and the error cleared itself.

I am using Xcode per this course, but have AppCode installed to support refactoring. It was the easiest for me to use based on all the tips in the other chat.

Looking toward to learning with everyone.

pls help man i need a detailed explanation on how to fix the problem i have exact thw same prob!!! pls its ******* me off :sob:

Update: nvm i fixed it thx any way.
what i did was just uninstall visual studio and unreal engine/installer and downloaded it again + created a unreal account and a visual studio account (which i didnt had if it helps…).

  • i think my prob was that i had a VS 2015 installed and that ****** up everything dawg…

What happen with my UL4 version 4.15.2 it show the read text like this.

what is ti mean?

do you mean you uninstalled VS 2015 then?

just in case uninstall VS 2015, and 2017, and then install only 2017

I managed to get rid of this by pressing the “Build” button on the Toolbar.

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Hello everyone this is Sergio. Going through the lessons and every lesson I go through just gets me more and more excited about learning more about Unreal Engine and how to use it. I also had the “lighting needs to be rebuilt” issue but I fixed it like @Vincent_Zhang said by going to built on the toolbar. Only thing is that I ended up clicking the icon instead of down arrow but it still worked. A little firewall prompt popped up but the message is gone. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out to be a big deal later on.

Lastly I had VS 2013(the one I had from school from my C++ course) but apparently it didn’t work when building the project through Unreal so I ended up getting VS 2017. For some reason when I start new project on VS 2017 it doesn’t have option for win32 console application. Instead it has windows console application which I’m assuming is the same thing. At least it felt that way when I tried it out. So hopefully I can still continue without having to find why I don’t have the option for win32 console application.

Have a good day everyone.

Hello from Russia!

Hi Sergio! Nice to meet you!
I’m super excited as well. I started this course a couple of years ago, but I let myself get sidetracked and distracted by life so I am starting over.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep yourself motivated and pushing forwards every day!!!

Best of Luck!

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Hello, this isn’t a big issue, but in my UE tab, at the top of the 3D view panel, it says “LIGHTING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT (2 unbuilt objects)”, and it doesn’t in the lecture. I know this isn’t too big of a problem, but just playing it safe. Have I done something wrong?

I’m running into the same issue.

I confirmed that I have both the C++ profiling tools for Win 8.1 and Win10 SDK.
Both Visual Studio 2017 and Epic Games (Unreal Engine) are installed on the C:\ Drive.
The save directory for my project is: users/documents/UnrealProjects

I still produce the same error, can anyone else assist?

Re: “LIGHTING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT” issue. (@Vincent_Zhang, @Anders_Laursen, @Tee_Hunter, @surge914, @AlexInSpace)

I read in one of the guides for running UE4 on Linux (under header “UnrealLightmass”) that this issue may be caused by a firewall blocking UDP connections to the port 6666 and/or network Allowing these connections worked for me – the error doesn’t appear anymore and the lighting looks fine now.

I don’t know whether this workaround can be extended to other operating systems, but you might find it worthwhile to tweak your firewall settings and see if that helps.

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I’ve been using unreal for a bit and decided to buy the course.
I’ve been having a problem with unreal:

A few notes:

I used UE4.18 before and didn’t encounter this problem.
I tried to use CLion Integration at a certain point because I am not very fond of VS.
As part of previous point I “downgraded” to UE 4.17.2
Until this point I had been using VS 2015.
Ever since this point I have had the same problem, requesting VS 2017 even though I have it already.
What I tried:

I tried to uninstall VS 2015 & 2017 completely and install VS 2017 using UE4.
I tried to re-install UE4.18.
I tried to install all the Win SDKs (10 & 8.1).
I tried opening new projects.
I am genuinely stuck at this point, and would love some assistance with this.
Thank you!

Hi again!
I somehow managed to fix it, and since I opened like 2 milion threads about this I’m updating the resolution on all of them, please see THIS link.

Thank you and hopefully no one will have this problem ever again.

Hi I am Prasanna. I am from India and is very excited to be part of you.
I have one query. When i did the setup of Unreal then after creation of a new project in the 3d pane its showing Lightning needs to be rebuilt

I also uploaded the snapshot

After getting the above error then i clicked on build lightning only in toolbar build options but now i got UnrealLigthmass.exe failed to start.

Hello Everyone, if someone in here is running Visual studio 2017 with Unreal engine version 4.18.1 and got the following error:

“ERROR: No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe”

I made a reply to a post on this subject in the UE4 answer hub that helped 1 person solve it at least, so give it a shot if you’re stuck (don’t know if it’s the best solution though, probably not. Feel free to come with suggestions if you think you have a better/easier solution.)


I’ve been having a problem with unreal, every time I want to use the C++ blueprint it says:
“No compiler was found. In order to use a C++ template, you must first install Visual Studio 2017.”

I tried a whole lot of things, but can’t seem to figure it out.

A few notes:

  • I used UE4.18 before and didn’t encounter this problem.
  • I tried to use CLion Integration at a certain point because I am not very fond of VS.
  • Ever since this point I have had the same problem, requesting VS 2017 even though I have it already.

What I tried:

  • I tried to uninstall VS 2015 & 2017 completely and install VS 2017 using UE4.
  • I tried to re-install UE4.18.
  • I tried to install all the Win SDKs (10 & 8.1).
  • I tried opening new projects.

I am genuinely stuck at this point,
Thank you!

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