About 'Text101 Game Design'!

Hi! Decided to keep it simple with my theme, definitely not as unique as some other people here.

Theme: Treasure Hunter/ Dungeon plunderer - A sort of tomb raider/ indiana jones type vibe was what I was thinking of.

Some images that sum up the theme:


The Player: The main character is going to be a young male named Leo or some other cool name. This picture is close to what I imagined:


The goal: Unsurprisingly, the goal is for the player to get to the end of the dungeon, avoiding deadly traps along the way, After which he finds fat stacks of loot and becomes filthy rich.

Early Steam Punk/Industrial era. A giant bomber airship is floating over the city dropping bombs.

Player is a fugitive/Thief that attempts to take advantage of the city being sacked to loot for weapons and escape alive

Game Theme: Post-Apocalyptic Space
Image: Apocalypse-earth-exploding
Player: You play Stephen Wrin, one of the last survivors left on a soon to be exploding Earth

The Goal: Escape the Earth with your newly acquired friends from out of this world.

Game Theme: Humor Survival
Player: Sara, owner of a cat named Hopper who is host to mutant fleas.
What is the Goal: Seek and Destroy all of the fleas before they take over her house and she is forced to move.

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Hello everyone!

Here’s my Choose your own adventure:


Medieval / Fantasy world with lots of magic.



You’ll play as Nyra, a young girl that just woke up in a cell of a giant white tower surrounded by clouds.


Your goal will be to escape the cell and discover where exactly are you and why.


Here’s my theme for the Choose Your Own Adventure game.

Theme: Based on the science fiction film Pacific Rim



The Player: A jaegar pilot trainee.

Goal: Your training base is under attack. Escape with a jaegar.

​My theme is going to be about a person in an airplane that is about to fall, and the decisions that they may or may not take in order to save the plane. My picture is going to be a plane that is about to crash.

What is your game theme?
Fantasy/Dark Fantasy

What is an image that sums up your game theme?

Who is the player?
A young human mage helping a gang of thieves.

What is the setting?
A small part of the Golden City, capital of Elves.

What is the threat?
Guards, making noise, being seen.

What is the goal?
Succesfully burgle a house of rich elf, stay alive, preferably unnoticed.

Theme: Viking mythology. Atreus is left alone after Odin kills kratos.
In his journey of revenge on odin he will face many enemies and two main options, controling his spartan rage or succumbing to it.

The main player is Atreus.
The goal is to kill Odin

Well not doing much but would love to share an idea, about the game image selection, and game design.
Summary: One fine day John is annoyed with daily routine and would love to get back some energy into him. After thinking so much he came to an conclusion of yoga, exercise, and workout.
Game theme: FAT–> TO --> FIT

Game Images:21%20PM41%20PM

Noir City

Who is the player?
A private investigator with a troubled past.

What is the setting?
The underbelly of a city controlled by a dangerous mob.

What is the threat?
Gangsters looking to stop anyone who is meddling where the ought not to be.

What is the goal?
To find clues that will solve the murder of his brother.

Game Theme:
Managing an Apocalypse Base


The one in charge of a struggling apocalypse community

You goal is to manage the community as effective as possible to ensure the survival of the community

Theme: Human test. A man who wakes on an unknown area and do not know how and why he is there.


Player: A human who is trying to figure out what is going on and he has to survive in order to get out.

Goal: Survive and escape the unknown area.

game theme - real life

the player is tim - a 20 years old nerd from Texas
game goal- achieve total domination on your neighbors


This is the game theme for my game: Up at Night

Player: A small child
Setting: A house at night.
Plot: You wake up upon hearing a strange noise from the floor below. You try to get to your parent’s room, but your door and your windows are locked.
Goal: Get to your parents.

I thought in a simple concept.

Theme: Fantasy. is a outlander who just want to leave the town. but don’t know how.


Player: An outlander thats just leave the tavern

Goal: leave the city.

This is my theme for the Text101 Game Design Challenge!

Game Theme: Crystal World


Player: You play as a young male / female that just woken up from a thousand years of sleep in a crystal. He/She wakes up and finds themselves lost in a world surrounded by crystals.

Goal: Your goal is to navigate the world and discover what your purpose is in the world and remember your past.

The theme of my game is prehistoric, taking place at the end of the Cretaceous period just days away (or hours away, depending on how the story develops) from the extinction event.


The player is a volunteer for the world’s first time machine, but things don’t go according to plan. The time machine crash lands in the late Cretaceous period, knocking the player out in the process. When the player awakens, his/her memory is lost.

The goal is to A) survive the environment (and of course, the dinos) and B) find a way back to your time period before the asteroid strikes the planet.

Theme: The assassin who lost his whole family. The scene is in a distant future. He uses a lot of techs to track down his target.


Who are you?
You are the assassin and your goal is to take down your city’s mayor before his announcement.

Your goal.
Eliminate all the threats along your way and kill the mayor.

These are the details for my text-based game called The Redemption of Kellhus

Theme: Fantasy

Player: The player is Kellhus Blackhorn, a soldier in King Elhokar’s army. He wishes to prove himself to the king so that he might be granted a boon: A fight to the death with one of the king’s generals, Lord Akka, who had sent his parents to execution when he was young in an act of corruption and greed.

The Goal: Advance through the heirarchy of the king’s army to become a general, and win impressive battles to impress the king onto granting you a boon.

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