A warm welcome to you

Hello, all! I will be taking this course as soon as I finish the earlier Unity Course. Since I am tearing through it because it is so much fun, I expect to be back here soon!

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You’re welcome Apurv, enjoy :slight_smile:

Hi! My name is Astrid Salas and I am an Interactive Art Director working on Mobile Media Advertising.

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Hi, I’m Amy and am excited to learn about VR development.

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Hi everyone, I’m Jonathan and I’m interested in learning about VR dev, mainly because I’m excited about the prospect of AR. VR (and hopefully this course) seems like a good place to start the journey.

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Hi, fellow enthusiasts! I’m Brent- a 3d artist and web developer in Atlanta, Ga. I love creating interactive experiences and try to inject 3D content as often as possible! I’m very glad to see so many others as excited as I am with the possibilities of VR.

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Hi Everyone. My name’s Sherry. I graduated last year in software devlopement and really want to start creating some cool new programs. I’m trying to find my niche and develop a portfolio, so I’m exploring a lot of options and avenues for development to see what new ideas projects might spark for me. I love how others in the class are mentioning their wish to provide something awesome for the world at large, or mentioning a greater purpose they’d like to use their skills towards. I’d love to find a similar goal. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to the class!


That’s an awesome stance. It’s great to create games but it’s awesome to do it with a purpose.

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HI My name is Andy and I have done many things in my career - Working for Spacetec (Controls, Joysticks, now known as Labtec, Logitech, and 3D Connexion), ATI Technologies (Graphics Cards, OpenGL and D3D Driver testing, now known as AMD), FCTV, Bose (Pro Sound division), IEMG, and Intel (…Can’t talk about fight club…lol).

I am working on the other basic Unity course at the moment, and hope to get going on VR project soon - I am hoping to do a VR drumkit with Video Chatting using a camera so you can play with someone else remotely. I hope to use an API that can support all VR headsets using OSVR HDK2 , Vive, and Occulus. My Targets are PC- Windows and Linux, and PS4. After that I will hope to port to iOS and MAC, and then possibly other game consoles. Would love to have others help in writing this. I want to support as many controllers as possible so you are not stuck using Vive only controls…so gamepads, cameras with lighted drumsticks, VR gloves like whatever Nintendo powerglove-alike hardware we have in 2016…

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Would be interested to see what you might be doing next with musical experiences.

Hello, my name is Krishn Patel. I think the possibilities with this technology is limitless. I’m really excited to learn VR, and I look forward to talking with everyone.

Hi future VR designers and developers.
My names Julio please to meet you all.
I am a UX / UI designer based in Sydney, Australia and im looking create so exceptional and out of our world experiences
in VR it is set to become massive so very keen to knuckle down and get creating now!

Hi all!

It’s great to be a part of this community. I’m completely new to VR, but like all of you, I’m super excited to explore the possibilities of this medium. Personally, I’m keen to apply it to the spheres of visual arts and mental health.

Let’s see where this course takes us!


Hello everyone! I’m Ada, a Product Designer based in Canada. I’m super excited to dive into learning Unity!

As a newcomer to the world of VR, I see this course as a portal to all the possibilities that VR holds. I’m an educational technologies professional, singer/songwriter, vocal coach, story writer, permaculture designer, and humanitarian… I’d like to be able to create in VR in a way that supports all these passions and at the same time effects positive change.

I am also interested in AR. The gaming possibilities for something like a laser-tag sort of game intrigue me. The game would sort of be the player’s tactical heads-up display (HUD). I am active in AMP, the Alliance of Military Pre-enactors, and dying to make some games that go along with the science fiction worlds we love.
Can’t you just see a contest between, say, the Royal Manticoran Marines and the Dendarii?


Hi Diana,
These articles might interest you:


There are a lot more if you search on “VR PTSD.”


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Hi! I’m Minh from France. I am a healthcare professional and would like to develop skills in VR to improve medical education!

hey! in what field of healthcare do your work for? Do you want to use VR for healthcare?

Hello, I’m Giovanni Fabbris alias HETGI.
I’m interested in VR as an opportunity to develop artistic installations.
I’m also interested in augmented reality (AR) which is strictly connected to VR.

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