A warm welcome to you

Hi, my name is Brett and im in high school im currently really far along on my computer science course and my teacher just got a VR computer so im helping him build games. My goals are to make a VR game and have a good VR experience. The type of game i want to make is a Hot Potato game that is simple, fun and addicting to people.

Hi everybody! Mi name is Gad, I am an achitectural visualizer and I would love to create vr architectural projects for samsung vr
See you around

Hi I’m AJ. I currently reside in Virginia Beach. I am interested in game development primary with Android and cardboard to begin with. I look forward to learning and helping.

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Hi folks, my name is Curtis and I’m very honored and excited to share this course with you all. I’ll be very ambitious and say that I want to make VR my next career goal. I’d like to hear from any of you who already work in some VR capacity. Thanks.

Hello! I’m Jen, I am a web developer but want to learn Unity and get into VR.

H I’m Collin,

I read a book called “Stealing Fire” and in it they discuss the therapeutic value of VR immersion and whlie I don’t specifically know where I want to go with this I do know I want to help create the future.

Hi Folks,

My name is Dean. I’ve had the Vive for about a year now and I’m still constantly blown away by all the new experiences available every day. I figured I’d dust off my high school coding skills and give it a whirl. I graduated with a Jazz performance degree so I should be able to come up with something creative. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait to see what you’ve all made too!


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I’m Hubert and I’m a digital media MA student. Cant wait to learn more about unity and finally get my head around c#!

Hi everyone. This is Shuai and I’m an architectural designer and I want to make architecture design more immersive by using VR.

I’m Brian McElfish. I am in Orange County, CA. I am a middle school teacher hoping to add this to my curriculum. Plus, I think I might be able to dominate the Education market if I can figure out to do this for everything else.

Hi nice people :slight_smile:

I am Leslie and I live in Denver. I am a psychiatrist by day, but I love the idea of VR combined with my day job. I have been programming in VBA (excel), but do not have experience with C# yet.

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Thanks for the book recommendation! I’m excited about the therapeutic direction of VR too :):grinning:

Hi I’m Hannah, I’m an interactive design and virtual production / animation uni student based in Brisbane, Australia. I’m hoping that by learning to create VR I can then intergrate that knowledge and skills into my degree and future projects. That said I also just really want to be able to create some really cool stuff that’s fun.


I’m Ludvig. I am an e-learning developer working in Sweden. I am an educated engineer that have tried to focus towards education but it wasn’t until I saw VR and AR in action that I understood it is something I would like to work with, learning effective methods of gamification. I am a bit frustrated that I never was presented with VR during my time studying, and it is not something I currently do at work, but I really feel it is something I want to learn and hopefully work more with in the future.

Hi I am Nabeel, from India. An Android developer by profession. would like to create and publish some cool VR apps. Looking forward to creating some exciting apps

Hello my name is Hartanto from Indonesia. I am a Lecturer hopefully me and my student can develop some new experienced in VR World. I feel something will be very useful in this lesson. Hopefully i want to work more on this for research.

Hello! I’m Marc from Santa Clarita, CA. I’m a Senior Front-End Web Developer and I’m really interested in VR world and VR Development.

Yeeeeeeoooooo!! I’m Spaz Out! I’m hoping to create intense VR content as well as re-invent some old creations within the VR scope. I’ve been playing with Unity on my own but I am not getting the education that I’m seeking independently so that’s why I’m taking this course. This is new for me, Good luck everyone.

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Hi there! I’m Chris and I’m an Interaction Designer and UX researcher based in Hamburg, Germany. I’ve worked on 2D concepts for apps, websites and hardware computers for many years and made HTML prototypes with Axure.

Now I want to make the next step and learn how to concept and build VR and AR protos with Unity. I believe that especially mixed reality will be the next big thing together with artificial intelligence since the PC era. In the future we will see many intelligent systems which will use VR and AR as a visual output for the user.

I’m really happy to attend on this course and can’t wait to discuss and share with you guys. Happy coding!

Happy Coding Chris! I agree, I was looking at WebVr a few weeks back & had to slow down. There’s too much on my plate right now but the potential incredible. I want to help build the future as well. Good luck man.

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