A Warm Welcome to the GameDev.tv Community

This is impressive. Can’t help but laugh. My numbers were 69 and 14. I won at 69 and lost at 14. Both were memorable experiences as I was called either a Meatbag or Meatsack lol. I hope you keep it up. I use to play Arkanoid type games a lot more when I was younger, but if someone can re-imagine PACMAN and make it so “Neo-retro”, I’m absolutely certain you can make your own style block-breaker. I use to always envision Turbo Balls that could smash through three bricks before ricocheting back. That was about the extent of it :smile:.

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lol well the instructor (not Ben) had his machine say “You were no match for my Silicone brain!” so I thought instead of doing some HK-47 lines and call the user a Meatbag.

After Block Breaker is a space game similar to space invaders so many of the same ideas will be there in the coding, but not sure how I’d expand upon it.


I’m working on Bulls and Cows right now and having some fun with the text. I’m going to follow you on your page so I can keep tabs on your work. I can’t wait to see more of your projects. I’ll also always be happy to throw any ideas your way if you feel like you need some. Thanks again for welcoming me Aron and let’s keep in touch. Facebook or even on this forum. Whatever you prefer.


Sure, I’m on FB under the same name, but I’m also on Steam as Grognard87.

I’ve finished the course, I just need to actually do some real building of the game by looking up how to add lives, adding a mirror paddle (that moves inverted) and replacing a few assets to make it mine with a new ball and paddle. Possible a paddle with curved edges to add a bit more of an angle to the bounce.

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Hello everyone! First time on this site and looking forward to being on it more, but I came with an issue. I got a Udemy course a while back and I need unity 4.6.9 I got unity installed and running a few months ago, but life happened. So I came back to it and unity will not even start. I have uninstalled it and re-installed it, but the bug report is still there upon launch. Any ideas on how to solve this problem aside from update it? (I need this older one for the course)

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Hi Kyle,

To download older versions of Unity just follow this link:

You can have more than one version of Unity installed on your system. When installing Unity, it is helpful to include the version number during install. So rather than just unity, you might type something like unity 5.3.4f1. This will help to keep your Unity versions seperate. Save the icons on your desktop and then you can just launch whichever version you like any time. Hope this helps.


Thank you for the response, but perhaps I wasn’t clear. I know where to download the older unity, just it will not launch. A few months ago it launched just fine, but now it is not launching at all. Any other tips to make it work?

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Ahh, sorry I misunderstood. I haven’t ran into that problem.


Are you running on a PC or a Mac @Kyle_Carter?


PC sorry I did not include that info and I am running windows 10

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No worries, how many versions of Unity are installed on the PC, and have you set them to different install locations by renaming the install path after each installation? I am wondering whether maybe there is simply a shortcut pointing to the wrong location?

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It is possible, but I only have one version of unity at the moment. Didn’t want to run into that problem haha but ya I may have overwritten it. I will check it out and tell you what is up in about half an hr. thank you so far for your help btw

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No worries…

I know some people have had problems when installing an older version, over the top, of a new version - but that was on a Mac where they didn’t get to specify the install path :slight_smile:

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I deleted all other versions of unity on my computer, then installed it in a different folder than any of the others previous installations. It still says a bug happened upon launch. No number just states ‘crash bug.’ I am sending an error report to hopefully get some help as well but ya. Want to learn unity or at least use it so I can get to coding and making games!

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Anything in the Event Viewer?

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Did not find any. So to be sure I just opened if and nothing else. There is nothing concerning unity in the event viewer at all. Which has made this all the more annoying since there is no easy root of the problem to see.

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omg!!! After two days of searching I finally found it. Something so simple! Here is the link to the solution.



Nice find - that’s really useful information to know!

Weird in a way though, as you would imagine that every student who hasn’t used Unity before that takes this course would have the same problem? Weird… oh well, great find and I’m glad you’ve sorted it :slight_smile:

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Swinging over here from my first Udemy course. My name is Jackie, and I’m looking to be a programmer/designer. I’m most interested in specializing in UX professionally–I like detangling messy UI’s and making them user-friendly.

HOWEVER as a hobby, (surprise, surprise) I love video games. I’d like to try my hand at creating some custom content/mods for some games on my free time, and since I got a good deal on a few courses I figured I could learn some things. Plus if I decide to make my own game one day, I’d have some extra know-how. We’ll see how it goes!

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Hey guys,

I’m Antoine, Belgian student in Brussels. I am 23 yo and am studying business engineering. I am at the moment on an exchange in Alicante/Spain.

I took the course out of curiosity and really enjoy it at the moment.

I have some tiny experience with BlueJay and R programing

about me: I like golf, american football, skiing and travelling.
See you soon :slight_smile:

I’ll leave my email adresse in case you want to connect


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