7.185: Mii Attempt

I found this lesson particularly difficulty. It was not the theory of the lesson, nor even the actual application… once I got to it. It was rather my lack of application in the right way, which seems to be a recurring theme in my projects.

Only after my second try I managed to do the lesson correctly.

But my first attempt ended up being this:



It took me only a couple hours, since pulled assets from my Tavern that I am working on.

For fear of succumbing to any further elaboration, I stopped short of painting the scene and made a second attempt.

Quick and easy, less than 30 minutes. Not meant to be a masterpiece.

I will keep that snowman it in my back pocket for a later time. Maybe after I am done my Tavern. Hopefully it will not melt while it is there…

It still needs a scarf and a pipe besides some colours. And as an aside, that is a bird in his hat.


You could participate in the Blender Collab …
As as in sculpt your snowman winter activity …

I love your style of visualization!


Vertex painting, an odd thing that Rick introduced to the course. Sure it must have uses but I do not feel many do use it. Strikes me texture painting on an image has mostly replaced VP?


I suppose I could, couldn’t I? But I need a clarification about its title.

By Blender Collab do you mean:

and A Colley Labrador Retriever?

I suspect that the dog retrieves the contents of the blender. His tongue is hanging out because he knows that it will be a very good mix :wink:

I was away from the computer for a few days, so I did not receive this invite until today (Feb. 21). Oh well!

Does he use it for the rest of the project, or does he switch over to another option after playing about with the Vertex painting?

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Wonderful man!!!


No uses it for the whole thing really.

Though it may make a comeback if the new sculpt developments (mentioned in Talk sec.) turn out well. Seems those they listen to are an odd bunch!


I agree. The snowman scene is a real piece of art!



My previous assets did most of the heavy lifting.

I had a look at your own artwork and activity. Impressive stuff- makes mine look like child’s play.

There was a three-fold challenge- the snow in general, the snow on the hat, and the mittens.

  1. The snow in general (the stuff on the ground) were made of metaballs. Due to bad parenting skills (:wink: ), I had to rearrange the snow without losing the information. Eventually I got it. Children just need time and patience, otherwise they get lost.

  2. The snow on the hat, however, was more challenging.
    I found that the snow on the hat was actually much harder than I would have anticipated. I thought I could simply “puff” up parts of the hat rim and away I would go. Instead, it was more like shale rock, coming up in very flat plate-like layers. I assume this was due to the flat surface of the hat rim not having enough vertices, but shouldn’t Dyntopo have taken care of that issue?

  3. I think that the mittens were problematic for the same reason as the hat. They were simply bloated and sculpted twig pieces. But trial and error won the day, and in better time than the snow on the hat.


cool xxx jess. I hope your project goes well xx jess.


Not at all, you got some real artistic vision :wink:

Good idea making the snow from metaballs!

I’m not sure about the dyntopo as I usually use the voxel remesher instead. But yeah, probably need higher resolution hat and mittens to get the organic shape you wanted.


I am not sure what that is, do tell!

I’m not exactly sure myself, but from what I’ve seen, dyntopo devides the geometry into tris, while remesh devides it into quads when sculpting. I don’t know the specifics of functionalities from using dyntopo, but I like to work with quads.

I just now tried to use dyntopo with the sculpt that I was working on, and blender crashed. Maybe that’s a sign that I should stick with the voxel remesh. Haha. Anyways, just try both and stick with what you think is most comfortable

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Maybe someone more experienced can tell us about the differences between dyntopo and the voxel remesh,

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Well, so much for that experiment- either your model is that complex or my computer is slightly more capable?

Where do I get or find voxel remesher?

This is where I’ve seen it. Not sure if there’s somewhere else you can locate it.


In sculpt mode.


Thanks for yours and @NP5 's reply. I will have to have a look at these options and test the difference. Hopefully my computer will not crash in the process, like @Gordon 's attempt.

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AHA! I knew there had to be another location, but just didn’t think of using it while sculpting. Going to make a note of that for future use.


I tried using it, and found my model becoming too blocky, even when it was turned further down. I once accidently turned down the Voxel size too much and crashed blender… oops.

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