7.185: Mii Attempt

I sculpt the main parts first, then when I need more detail I turn down the voxel size. I can bring it down to the minimum with smaller models, but with my head sculpt before I could only go down to a certain point before blender crashing.

I’m going to play around with dyntopo too, to get some more experience. The main reason why I started using the voxel remesh instead was because I read online that pretty much everyone else was using it, and that dyntopo was a bit outdated. But maybe dyntopo has also had some updates, not sure.

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The model I tried it on had 5 million verts. Dyntopo divides every quad into tris, so it doubles the amount of faces on the model, and that’s probably why Blender crashed in my case. Dyntopo probably gives you better control with lower resolution models, but I think you end up with better topology with the voxel remesh.

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Really? 5 Million? Mine is only almost a million verts using tris! I can see why yours would crash.

But just having looked I have almost 2 million tris and faces. I would have thought that my vertices would be more. Curious.

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