2024 Collab: Week 37 “Here There Be Dragons”

This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 37 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Here There Be Dragons”.

  • Here There Be Dragons - This phrase actually refers to the unknown and undiscovered country - cartographers would add dragons and other mythical beasts to unexplored areas on a map. So in that spirit, create an imaginary or mythical beast of any kind: dragons, harpies, griffins, sea serpents, Big Foot - whatever you wish; scary, cute, massive, tiny, no imaginary creature is off limits.
  • Subject selected by the previous Week 35, 2024 “Underwater" winner mfortunato

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-09-14T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


WIP - Assembled a quick project

Using old friends ( assets from previous projects )



Wasn’t quite sure what to do for this one, so I animated a sea serpent.


I think I mentioned before how cool I think it is that we are free to interpret subjects as we see fit. Both of these entries look great and they fit the subject, yet they couldn’t be more different!


This is so wonderful, @xealstrag! Love the little bob and weave the Nessie-like creature is doing in the water. Great job!
It’s funny, I imagined something terrifying when I came up with this subject, but both you and @FedPete came up with more friendly fare and I love them both!
I hope to get my entry in before the end of the day today. And mine is also cute/friendly :rofl:.


The animation looks great :star_struck:

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Well, there is a dragon… in the making, but that’s something :grin:.

This the one for this week:


Golden Dragon looks like he’s rolling his eyes and saying “Duh, of course I’m solid 24-carat. Silly mortal…” XD

That looks really nice, and I like that you didn’t get carried away with making it overly shiny =)


The gold dragon looks wonderful, @Megane_Wang! What techniques did you employ for the scales? Normals? Geo nodes? Displacement? Really great job! If my computer finishes rendering my entry, I’ll get it in shortly…

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I don’t know if I got the subject right, but had a lot of fun with this one


Thank you! Waiting for your entry!

For the scales, I used modifiers; the scales are planes repeated along a curve. This is done once with the scale as is, and then again on another curve, shifting it 1/2 scale to one side. Then both curves with the scales are repeated on a long tube and finally I applied all modifiers to get a scaly skin that is added to the dragon’s body, with the dorsal spikes and a flat tummy that finally is hardly visible.

I had help from a tutorial with repeating items on curves because I really needed practice with that… :smiley:


Well, that’s a scary dragon, very nice! I also had fun with this subject, I see that I am not the only one finishing this at these hours :grin:

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Of course! Like the tank treads in Grant’s tutorial. Thanks, @Megane_Wang!

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Here’s my entry, under the wire. As I said before, I was planning on scary or at least large and scaley, but found some images on Pinterest with cute dragons among flowers and quickly changed my mind.
This one may be my last for a while as I have a crazy schedule starting next week. But I will definitely be around enjoying all of your entries :).


Oh you definitely nailed the theme. The title is “Here There be Dragons” but it’s really about creating any monster/mythical creature you can think of :). And this is pretty sick!


We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your entry.
The new subject week 38 “things-you-see-in-autumn” has already started. The winner of this week’s “Here There Be Dragons” challenge may select a subject for next week 39 and win a badge.

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