2022 Collab: Week 11 “Water" - CLOSED

Paste link after pressing “Enter Button” 2-3 times.

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This too didn’t work it seems.

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It works if you use the full URL


I have also had the same issue as @umishrak
Copying and pasting the link results in just the link for me also, how do you do the full URL?


I opened on YouTube and copied from the browser


I did a school of fish in Unity a few months ago, the algorithm is quite entertaining to create… I’m a nerd and proud of it! :nerd_face: :rofl:

I link it in case anyone wants to see the rules of flocking/schooling/crowds.


Very Nice and interesting algorithm, and the outcome is awesome.

Is it not more of a Shoaling than Schooling of the Fish?

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@igorfv Thank you very much for your guide.


Why am I trying to do water simulation? Why do I do it with myself? Why is it so slow?


I ran a bunch of simulations with low res and I think I’m able to generate waves now. I’m running one with high resolution, it will take about 12h to finish it so I’ll know tomorrow.

Right now I have a base scene and the top view water shader, it works really well for top view scenes but not that well for the front view, so I may change it if necessary.

Fiert version of the shader, only one color acros the entire thing:

Last version, it changes the color and density over the X axis

Basic scene:

Shader node:

PS: This is a shader based on an youtube tutorial for fake caustics


I can see you like node forests!

is this the time to tell you there is a version of Blender with caustics! :rofl:

Video pre 3.1 release. Not sure if it made it into that release though. Do not think so.


Ob both my 3.1 beta and my 3.2 alpha it’s disabled.
I unfortunatly don’t have the version that the caustics work =(

PS: It’s not that I like the node forest, but I’m organized enough to handle it.


Should be available if you wanted it. The video selects it at one point, so I assume it is there to use.

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I’m loving this spray and foam =)


Very much WIP, but I have a fellow and a start of an environment.


Approaching a semi-final scene, I’m thinking. Looking at it as I say this, I already know I need to go back in and mess a bit more with the sand, and perhaps thicken the kelp forest in the background. Any specific critiques or suggestions to improve on it are welcome. This week again I’m treating the challenge as an exercise in creating textures and lighting.


I think somehow you need to add more light to the Big octopus. it should be the centre of attention imo not the neon jellyfish.

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caustics. exagiraed. redo

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I just used some material node based on vonoroi. To mimic water reflections, using Eevee but later switched to Cycles.

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This is exactly what I did =)

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