"your first program?

are we ever gonna get a fix for this video? i cant progress with these lessons if i cant get past step 1 due to errors from the tutorial video.

What do you feel needs to be fixed in the video?

well, i made a new file, put everything just like the tutorial. but i have errors.

Starting build…
cl.exe /Zi /EHsc /nologo “/FeC:\Users\Hawke\Documents\New Game Project\hello.exe” “C:\Users\Hawke\Documents\New Game Project\hello.cpp”
‘cl.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Build finished with error(s).

  • The terminal process failed to launch (exit code: -1).
  • Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

that is what i get after i goto terminal > run build task…why did i get errors? are they important? how do i fix these? are the errors vital to everything else that ill be doing in the videos? here is the command


int main()




just noticed it didnt give the <-cstdio-> part but it is in the code

Just make sure the build task is the correct one, can you try going to terminal > run task and select build debug?

when using terminal run task, i get 4 different options, 2 of which are debuggers:

one is g++.exe
the other is CL.exe

seems i always have to choose between g++ and CL whenever i try to compile it. i dont know what these options are, and the video doesnt go over it. so…are they supposed to be there? which one am i supposed to use? and am i always supposed to use that option?

What that tells me is that you haven’t opened the workspace file contained in the project template as you should not be using either of those options.

What I would like to also confirm is whether you have the C++ extension installed for vs code(DO NOT install the extension pack)

c++ / c++ extension / c++ themes / cmake / cmake tools.

those are the extensions that are on. i only remember installing the regular c++ with the tutorial. do i uninstall the others?

The rest you can leave in, some folks installed both the c/c++ extension and the extension pack which has caused issues in the past . So I wanted to check, I imagine having those installed separately is fine.

i only have the regular c/c++ installed and it still gives me multiple options when going to build run task.

g++.exe finishes successfully
cl.exe finishes with errors.

so i guess i just need to save with the g++ format?? idk. im still confused on why im getting choices, and why one fails and one doesnt.

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