You Found The DONKEY Resource Links!

If I remember correctly, it WAS linked in the original RPG course, but didn’t find it’s way into the remaster. Nevertheless, this topic is alive and well without any help from a link in the current course. :slight_smile:

Johnno and Jumina !

Key and Don

Bob and Rob

Let’s name them Easter and Egg. I’m looking for donkeys in every episode now, Ben.

It’s like the pickles in Frisky Dingo. Well played! I knew you had a sense of humor!


I just spotted a third donkey in the background. A hidden donkey inside a donkey joke.

Mind blown. Very well played!

I think the donkeys should be called Bob The Builder and Dora The Explorer (^_^)

I think should be Goku and Vegeta :slight_smile:

Snap, Crackle and Pop!

I think they should be named Earl and his brother Earl

X, Y and Z :stuck_out_tongue:

there are 3 donkeys

Donkey the one and only “Donkey” from Shrek
Don Quixote famous for chasing windmills
Donkey Kong Had Several video games named after him

:slight_smile: hope you like my choices :horse:

Since there are 3 I think they should be named Lucky, Dusty, and Ned

I would call them WinceWithEar(), HideFromWiev() and ActBrave()

I’m 100% certain that the donkey on the left is named Ron.
The right one has the face of a Rod.
The one in the back is probably Rob.

Ding and Dong

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Argento & Scatto

Invest save, and dont be a …

The donkeys should be called donk and flop

Stonky and Clyde

The donkeys that shall not be named. the Dark Lord and He Who Must Not Be Named a dark tale of the seedy depth of evil.

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