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white donkeys?

I think the donkeys should be call Franklin, Colm and Keith

They looks like motivated… :rofl:

Rick and Ben

I think its Servac, Pankrác, Bonifác

Moopa and Poopa!

The Trump Family

I think they should be called Parry and Hotter

Boof and Doof.

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I think they shoul be called Not-PoE)

Craig and Philip

The great ones

Perry & Harry sounds like a couple of 90’s sitcom donkeys to me…And thats the way I like it :slight_smile:

Curly, Moe and Larry

Sherlock & Watson

Brando, Dean and Monroe

Inky and pinky

Frank and Bean

The donkeys names are obviously very important to any course of life that is currently in progress.

I would say their names need to be. Donkey and…donkey. To avoid any confusion, they all have the same name, all will respond and all will look just as silly when they realize you were not talking to them in the first place.

Donald and Keto.

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