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They could be Salt & Pepper

Milly and Tilly!

Bill, Teach & Gray

i think they should call it boohoo

Samzu and Kirno

Billy and Idle

…maybe Vita and Mori? Been on a bit of a kick on those names as of late…

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb

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Don & Juan… Obviously.

strong textI think they should Tom and Jerrry”

they should be called One and Two. If One dies, i still have Two

Bilbo and Frodo!

I think the Donkeys look like a Derek and a Doris :slight_smile:

Beatrice, Gertrude and Frank

Thomson and Thompson

Ipswitch, Hopscotch and Jim.

alternative: Faith, Hope and Charity.

Diddy and Dixie :slight_smile:

Sancho, Guapo, and Portia

Lefty and righty

Tim and Hortons.

More seriously, is it just me or is the link to this post not included on the lecture over on ? Or maybe it shouldn’t be and that’s the whole point ?

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