Worn edges in Blender 3


the worn edges wont work for me as well. Someone has posted a solution but i dont understand it and cannot ask. Can someone explain it for me better what he did?


Dec '21

I am following along but am finding this does not work in Blender 3. I’m using a geometry input with a bright contract before the base colour and not getting any edges at all.

Any idea why this might be?

Pointiness does work in 3.0 +, however, the edges must be bevelled at least. It won’t work on hard edges. I don’t know how to interpret what they did for a solution, but this might help.

All three cubes have the same material. The one on the left has the modifiers (non-destructive) you can see in the screenshot. The one on the right has been bevelled in edit mode using Ctlr+B (destructive) and the middle one is just a default cube.

So there just has to be more geometry than a single edge for pointiness to work.


I believe pre 3.0.0 there was also something about the usage of Eevee?

Thank you i will try it!

Ambient Occlusion might work in Eevee. Pointiness is Cycles only though. I think there’s a couple different ways to achieve it in Eevee though.


I tried but i cannot make out from your picture, what node you placed after the geometrie. Its too pixelated and i tried all the colour nodes.

It’s a ColorRamp node to control/constrain the area that’s being considered pointy.


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