Unity releases a new editor versions every couple of days. In most cases, there are not any significant changes in the editor which would affect our course. If our instructors had to re-record the videos every couple of weeks to change the version number seen in the video, this course would not exist.
Please bear in mind that this course consists of many hours of content. It is not comparable to a free tutorial video on Youtube. In most cases, tutorials on Youtube consist of 1-10 videos only. Regarding the non-free courses with high quality content, I doubt that the instructors update them every couple of days. Creating high quality content takes a lot of time.
From what I heard, Gary and Rick are already talking about a new remastering for the entire course. However, there are no definite plans yet.
Regarding the dark theme, Unity has got a dark mode and a light mode. In past versions, the dark mode was available in the paid versions only. About 2 years ago, it was also implemented in the free version. Whether you use the dark mode or the light mode, does not affect your game in any way. It’s a pure matter of personal preference.
Last but not least, many students follow this course with Unity 2023. Most things Rick and Gary do in the videos can be done exactly the same way in Unity 2023. If there is a difference, they either mention it in the video or an article before the video, or you will be able to find a solution in the Q&A section (or here in the forum).
If you notice any significant difference that does not allow you to develop your course game, please let us know about it, and we’ll try to find a solution as soon as possible.
I hope this helped. 
See also: