Why does my player is falling of the world?

i did all the same thing as rick for world and for my player instead of capsule collider i used edge collider around the board but after play it fall from the world and i don’t know why cause same problem doesn’t occur if i use capsule colllider instead of edge collider


Please share more information on what you did and have in Unity. Screenshots might help.

Here are a few things you could check in your game:

  1. The Main Camera must not have a Rigidbody2D component attached.
  2. The ground collider needs to be a non-trigger Collider2D.
  3. The shape of the ground collider must not have any gaps.
  4. The player needs a Rigidbody2D and a non-trigger Collider2D.

In Unity’s physics simulation, collisions happen between colliders, not sprites.

Did this help you fix the issue?

See also:

I check all above points but it still falling of the world

Could you also share a screenshot of the snow collider?

And have you tried to move Lucius a bit above the snow collider? Otherwise, it might be that the physics simulation pushes him in the wrong direction.

I tried to move it above the snow collider but it gave the same result

Is this the snow collider? If so, the edge collider of the snow is inside the snowboard collider. The snowboard collider must be above the edge collider.


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