When would some children nodes be part AI and part choose

Less of a programming question, more of a game logic question.

On Next, we go through all the children and see if there are any player responses, if so we list them in the choose UI. Else we get all the AI children and pick one. But you first filter for just AI children (even though we would never get here if there was even 1 player child).

I guess this implies that there could be both types of children for any dialogue node. What is a game play situation where there could be both types of children?

Sorry I missed this post, jjaslow.
In a later lecture, we’ll be putting conditions on the dialogue nodes. Each node will be tested to see if it’s a valid option. In these situations, the response to a dialogue might be the player saying “Here’s that foot cream you asked for” or “Nope, I haven’t got it yet,” or maybe the quest is solved and the AI just goes on and on about how the foot cream helped Mother Hubbard.

Thank you for the info. I am really enjoying this class. In fact, right now I am using the lessons to create a VR based training app with dialogue between the interviewer and candidate.

A session that I think would be super helpful (at least to me), is the architecture and planning that goes into the Dialogue flow. I try to do all the lessons before watching the videos so I can test my skill vs just watching someone else do the work. I always get the code to work, but the code is spread across the classes differently (ie worse than you show us). I feel that I am missing some high level overview of the classes and how they interact with each other.

I understand that sentiment. I’ll be honest, when the course started, I wasn’t at all sure what the final architecture was going to look like. (Even as the TA, I’m learning what Sam’s teaching as I go, just taking a great deal of time each lesson to tear it apart and see how it works so I can answer student questions as they arise).

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