What's the purpose of viewing actor information in the output log?


Super noob here with a really noob question: I’ve watched and rewatched the Pointer Types and GetOwner() and Deferencing & Arrow lectures where we called an address of an actor to view information about the actor in the output log but I don’t understand the practical application for it. Is this to demonstrate how pointers work? Is this used for debugging? How would you use this in your game development?


It was for demonstrative purposes. Though it could aid you in printf debugging in the future.

In my experience, game development can be quite a finicky thing. It’s super wonderful when it’s all 100% working but there’s about a million reasons why things won’t work. Especially once you start to have things moving around, projectiles, quests, pick-ups, etc.

The first immediate thing that helps when things go wrong (and they will) is to just start having everything spit out numbers. Those numbers are like cookie crumbs that will lead you to the culprit.

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