What's difference between the two Unity Multiplayer Networking Courses?

What’s is the difference between these two?

I bought the former in May but now I see there’s another one. Do they cover different concepts? Is the latter one intended as a replacement for the former? I haven’t started the former one yet - what’s the right starting point?

Hi there,
The original course uses Mirror, a 3rd party networking library that is great for building multiplayer games. In that course we use Steam for our multiplayer relay connection, so you connect to your friend’s game via the Steam friends list. The game genre covered in the course is an RTS game.

The new course covers Unity’s new 1st party multiplayer player solution Netcode for GameObjects. Version 1 of this was just released recently so it’s a new option. In this course we use Unity’s own services, Unity Gaming Services (UGS) for connecting to other players, both as a relay (connecting directly to another player) and with dedicated server hosting. The genre of the game in this course is more of a tank battle arena kind of game (think Mario Kart bomb battles).

They both cover similar multiplayer basics but use different frameworks and services along with being different game genres.

Hope that answers your question! Let me know if I can provide more information.

Thanks. If I was looking for something where I’m more interested in the network vs multiplayer what course would you suggest? I’m planning a single player game (potentially multiplayer in distant future) but I want to be able to store player profile data server side.

Imagine for example playing the game on a mobile app but then also log in on a website to see their progress, manage their account info, maybe even change the subscription plan.

The minimum viable product could be something like:

  1. user enters their email. server sends an automated email to that address . User clicks a confirm button to verify ownership of the email

  2. During game play I save all progress on the server side

  3. send a daily (or weekly) email to the email associated with the player. I can even do this manually if I can query player data on the server.

The above would avoid the scope of building a website.

In short the question is: Which course is best for teaching me how to store and query player data on a server and having it associated with a verified email address?

Hi Cat_Hill,

A lot of these things that you are asking are beyond the scope of the course and anything that i have done personally.
I think for the direction you are heading with unity it would be the NEW multiplayer Framework course you need and then build on that with the documentation and the community (Ours and Unity’s).

Although i dont know the how @Brian_Trotter i believe was working on something and possibly succeeded in a cloud save system but i think at your level of learning currently it may be a while before you are ready to make that step.

Overall i think the New multiplayer course would be better for you and possibly needing to learn mysql and how to integrate it into a server environment. (Which we currently do not have a course to teach)

Hope this helps

Thanks. I did a little more digging and it seems like UGS has cloud save, so I think you’re right in that it’s a better choice. I also saw leaderboards are part of the new course, which I think is an important prerequisite to what I want to do.

I’m really not worried about setting up a MySQL database but it seems UGS / Cloud Save doesn’t require that. I’m somewhat optimistic the learnings from the RPG course could be a solid foundation. Cloud Save

At the end of the day, I’m really just trying to create a playable demo of something based on the RPG course with a few network features built on top of it.

Wish me luck! I’m working on personal customizations of the RPG course now and intend to come to this later.


I wish you the best of luck and please do consider sharing your work as we do love to see how our students progress outside of our courses :slight_smile:

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Indeed I am, and I’m currently in the “breaking it until the corner cases are found” stage, nearly ready to put out a tutorial on it. It will very closely mirror the Json saving system (you can actually use the system, but I recommend some changes to make the data footprint smaller).

Check. Done and done, thanks to a new feature of UGS Authentication, Unity Accounts (not to be confused with our regular Unity accounts). Players will be able to register/login with Google, AppleID, or create a player account with an email address and password. For Google and AppleID, as these are OpenID logins, no further checking is done. With email address/password, a verification email is sent to the user before the account creation completes.

Done. Note that there is a strict 5 Megabyte limit per player, so a very large game with lots of data to save could get problematic (especially if you want multiple saves). In the game I used to write and test this, I only save the Player, since the dungeons are procedurally generated and all that is needed is on the player, so I can have many many save files with different characters.

Not gonna help out there. As it’s set up, since the actual login is handled on Unity’s end and is abstracted away, you won’t have any access to their Emails unless they provide them at some other point. All you get is a authentication token. Let me save you a LOT of grief and expense writing privacy policies. If you collect email addresses, the European Union hates you and has horrible plans for your life. By letting UGS handle these things, they provide their own privacy policy and are responsible for maintaining it.

When the UGS Cloud Saving System is ready for prime time, I’ll put out a tutorial similar to the Json Saving System.

I am really looking forward to this one Brian! I should be more than fine with 5MB per player.

I may have a unique need for their email address however (especially for an invite only alpha/beta phase) but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I can think of a few alternative solutions depending on what the rest of the system looks like.

Again really looking forward to this. Is there a way I can be notified of the launch?

Just remember that while there is a free tier, at a certain point, Unity is coming for your money. :slight_smile: (It’s a pretty big allowance, honestly, but you can see where a big game with a million players will rack up a bill quick!)

Brian - if I have a game with a million players, I don’t think I’ll be worried about paying for UGS :slight_smile:

That’s what I like to call a “high quality problem.”


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