What I've learned from and beyond the Resources

In three dimensions, the left hand and right hand rule shows the x and y axis reversed. More importantly however, Blender uses a right-handed orientation, and Unity uses a left-handed orientation. I recently finished Blender Guru’s beginner tutorial series to cut costs of using programs like Maya, and I was not aware of this.

Reinforcing what I learned about Time.deltaTime, longer frames lead to more movement, and shorter frames lead to less movement. The time each frame takes also varies wildly, and if a game is not properly tuned the game will stutter. If I understand this correctly, this can lead to lag and frame rate drops. For some games that require a fixed frame rate, having a higher or slower frame rate speeds up or slows down the game, which I’ve seen manipulating the settings of emulators playing older games. Frame rate is especially important for fighting games; your frames and inputs will matter.

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