What is going on

I was trying to make a pop up window appear but it just keeps giving me this. I tried messing with the .json file but nothing worked.
Screenshot 2024-06-12 160328

Messing with the json won’t solve the issue here. This usually indicates that the compilation of your code failed, the terminal output when building your code should give you details on the nature of the error.

If you can post that error in the terminal here I can help you solve the problem.

This error usually comes when you place your cpp file in a location that is not the root of your project folder (students sometimes place the cpp file in the .vscode folder by mistake).

Can you confirm that your cpp file is located in the root of your project folder?

Yup, move axe_game.cpp outside of your .vscode folder to the root folder of your project (the folder that .vscode is contained in) and try compiling your code again. Assuming there are no other errors it should work.

Thanks it works

Awesome! I’m glad I was able to work with you to find a solution.

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