What did I do wrong? Ship just flickers between both limits at once!

I attempted the challenge and came up with what I thought was the answer, but it didn’t work, so I thought Ben would address the problem in the solution, but to my surprise, his implementation seems to be exactly the same as mine, but mine does this:

*no input is being pressed…
ezgif.com-optimize (1)
(For the life of me can’t figure out why this shows so small.)

On my actual monitor, to the naked-eye, it looks like the ship is constantly in both places at once, it’s just that the dropped frames and framerate of this gif show it sticking a few times.

Here’s my code. What am I not seeing that I did wrong?

using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    [Tooltip("In ms^-1")] [SerializeField] float xSpeed = 10f;
    [Tooltip("+/- value")][SerializeField] float xLimit = 3.9f;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float xThrow = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float xOffset = xThrow * xSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        float rawXPos = transform.localPosition.x + xOffset;
        float clampedXPos = Mathf.Clamp(rawXPos, -xLimit, xLimit);
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(clampedXPos, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z);


Please log a few variables into your console, e.g. xLimit and whatever you feel could be part of problem.

Are the values the expected ones?

I was logging stuff until I got the numbers where I wanted, so deleted them before doing the Clamp part.

So this is weird. It’s now working, except that my code is literally identical to how it was when it wasn’t working:


Turns out my code works as intended, but I have no idea why it decided to not work for a while.

Well, it’s not that uncommon that Unity suddenly behaves in a strange way. Restarting often magically fixes things.

If the issue does not reoccur, do not worry about it anymore. Your code looks fine.

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