What are you delivering in your game?


In my game, the Glovo courier delivers snacks to the offices.

My driver will be delivering medicine to grandmothers that have to stay at home and take care of their grandchildren while the parents are at work.

My driver will deliver videogames to gamers with a big backlog, since they always want more

Sticking with the player experience, my driver is going to be delivering chill vibes :sunglasses:

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Here’s mine:

Delivering boxes full of smaller boxes full of even smaller boxes and the loop of boxes goes on forever. Nothing else in the boxes. The people in this neighborhood are interesting thinkers.

You dont ask whats being delivered…ever. And nor do you ask whom is it being delivered for, you just deliver

I’m delivering 3DS’s.

I’m delivering beautiful flowers to my girlfriends whom all think that I’m husband material.

Pizza what else, you got to get that pizza.

In my game, the delivery item is a dream. If the delivery is successful, people get a good sleep with sweet dream. But if not, people can’t get any dream.

My 2 cents:
The People are bored and they’re starting to riot. You’re delivering tutorial videos for how to code games in Unity using C#, one chapter at a time.

your a asteroid miner delivering ore to a factory and picking up boosts to speed up your rate

My game will be delivering high spec gaming PCs to all the hard working Game Devs throughout the township…

You will be playing as an ambulance, picking people up and dropping them off to a hospital with most staff available!

I’m delivering pizza to hungry university students who are too stressed about exams to cook anything.

I’m delivering pizza to a school for a pizza partyy!!

I am thinking about picking up pets who ran a bit far from their home and now they are lost and delivering them to their homes.

I am delivering groceries for elderly!

Pizza to customers

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