What are you delivering in your game?

Garbage collector collecting trash from every trash can in the street.

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im returning some
video tapes.

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My driver will be delivering cats people who didn’t ask for them, but will end up falling in love anyway.

I deliver bombs that make the customer go boom boom.

I’ll be delivering Krabby Patties!!

In my game:
You are delivering burgers, pizzas and makis. Pickup object may vary dependending on the pick-up form and place.

You’re a postal service operator.
Sam Bridges but completely mundane. (as opposed to insane)

I am delivering last minute groceries because people are either unable to go themselves or are too lazy

I am delivering flowers,

My delivery driver will be delivering delicious and flavorful “Surprise Pizza” with a bonus surprise glitter bomb to celebrate the retrieval of getting amazing pizza!!! :pizza: :bomb: :boom: :pizza:

p.s. I know this is a terrible business model, glitter all over pizza and carpet, etc.

Pizza driver be like:

In my game, the player will pick up beautiful “hardworking” women(and some men) and escort them to their employer who offers them protection for a fee.

My game we will deliver coxinha

I think m ydriver will be delivering paint to artists

Hmm, I think I will have my game deliver babies and make a the car a stork?


in my game,The player will deliver coffee to people who have to wake up overnight

My driver will deliver Amazon packages to shopaholics

My driver will be delivering Parcels and packages from an online computer store. for all the budding new programmers out there

My driver is delivering cute bunny rabbits to hungry wolves

As an arms dealer, you will be delivering arms!

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