What are you delivering in your game?

Ice cream


You’ll be delivering game consoles, game controllers etc etc. to game-deprived people - game deprivation is responsible for 50% of the world’s deaths, so you have to help fix it! xD


Vintage Typewriters

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my player is delivering amazon packages!!!

Books and manga.

You’ll be driving around delivering packages from online shopping websites.

I’m delivering newly adopted pets

my player will be delivering fast food for people that can’t go outside to eat during covid

Returning luggage that fell off of other cars.

I’ll be delivering Souvlaki and Pitogyro lol

I’m going to be delivering dog treats to dog houses for all the very good puppies out there

Its pizza time! Time for PIZZA!

I am delivering cat food :smiley_cat:

the players have to deliver PIZZA to the game development

I’ll be delivering throw-away McDonald’s burgers obtained while dumpster diving to clueless folks.

You are delivering pet feed and supplies that are well researched and are proper nutrition or enrichment for the customers’ pets.

I’ll be delivering pizzas, because I got a pizza order for my lunch today. Imma try me a papadilla from papa johns, I know that’s not technically pizza but frankly idc.

In my game, players will be tasked with delivering disguised tools to teenagers, enabling them to create harmless mischief at school. These tools will cleverly be concealed as innocent books.

I’ll be delivering amazon packages from mars

MIne’s going to deliver hopes and dreams to Ferrari F1 fans.

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