i will be delivering pokemon stones for thoes that need to evolve their pokemons fast and quick
My delivery driver will be delivering glitter bombs, was originally taco bell but… decided against it.
my delivery driver will be delivering eggs, he must be carefull!
An idiot sandwich
You’re delivering forgotten things like wallets, keys or homework to people.
You’ll be delivering coffee. Everyone needs coffee! So be quick because no-one wants it cold!
My game will delivering Fresh toilet papers to the game devoleper who stuck in toilet after eating to many donuts
I will be a confused Santa, delivering presents a bit too early (summer)
Amazon Prime packages with holiday gifts!
You’re delivering cookies… cause who doesn’t like cookies?
My driver, Lucky, is delivering lottery and any kind of lucky draw winnings.
Hijackers slow you down, police escorts speed you up.
Your are an elite courier trapped in the late 80’s but lost your HST modem so you are forced to transporting 3.5" floppies between sites via car…
I am delivering computer parts to people so they can build their own system.
Reverse trick or treat; I’m delivering Halloween candy to each house
Stuck in a time loop my driver is doomed to deliver packages containing DVDs of the Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day forever.
Been awhile since I’ve touched the courses cause of my acting stuff (or worked on games at all because of it) but I think you’re gonna be delivering either collectables or anime, games and manga, might change my mind at the end though ^^’
In my game you’re a delivery driver on Christmas eve, trying to deliver all the presents people bought last minute.
Delivering books.